Commit 65ef0f41 authored by Andrei Elkin's avatar Andrei Elkin


applying bundle made for next-mr-bugfixing to trunk-bugfixing branch of the bug
parent 30e2c6f1
......@@ -322,9 +322,13 @@ connection con4;
select get_lock("a",10); # wait for rollback to finish
if (`select @@binlog_format = 'STATEMENT' || @@binlog_format = 'MIXED'`)
--let $wait_binlog_event= ROLLBACK
--source include/
--let $binlog_rollback= query_get_value(SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, Pos, 7)
--let $binlog_query= query_get_value(SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, Info, 7)
if (`SELECT 'ROLLBACK' != '$binlog_query'`) {
--echo Wrong query from SHOW BINLOG EVENTS. Expected ROLLBACK, got '$binlog_query'
--source include/
--die Wrong value for slave parameter
flush logs;
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