Commit 74328892 authored by Georgi Kodinov's avatar Georgi Kodinov

Addendum to bug #57916 : fixed the test suite to be less environment

parent 00f1e71d
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug;
test proxies_priv columns
SELECT * FROM mysql.proxies_priv;
Host User Proxied_host Proxied_user With_grant Grantor Timestamp
localhost root 1 xx
unknown root 1 xx
% plug % plug_dest 0 root@localhost xx
xx root 1 xx
xx root 1 xx
xx plug % plug_dest 0 root@localhost xx
test mysql.proxies_priv;
SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.proxies_priv;
Table Create Table
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,plug_dest);
GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug;
--echo test proxies_priv columns
--replace_column 7 xx
--replace_column 1 xx 7 xx
SELECT * FROM mysql.proxies_priv;
--echo test mysql.proxies_priv;
SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.proxies_priv;
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