Commit 755ee90a authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

refs #5805, merge fix to main

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@51216 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent c5e466d9
......@@ -459,14 +459,60 @@ done:
// When txn ends, update reverse live list. To do that, examine each txn in this (closing) txn's live list.
static int
referenced_xids_note_snapshot_txn_end(TXN_MANAGER mgr, const xid_omt_t &live_root_txn_list) {
static inline int
note_snapshot_txn_end_by_ref_xids(TXN_MANAGER mgr, const xid_omt_t &live_root_txn_list) {
int r;
r = live_root_txn_list.iterate<rx_omt_t, referenced_xids_note_snapshot_txn_end_iter>(&mgr->referenced_xids);
return r;
typedef struct snapshot_iter_extra {
uint32_t* indexes_to_delete;
uint32_t num_indexes;
xid_omt_t* live_root_txn_list;
// template-only function, but must be extern
int note_snapshot_txn_end_by_txn_live_list_iter(referenced_xid_tuple* tuple, const uint32_t index, SNAPSHOT_ITER_EXTRA *const sie)
int note_snapshot_txn_end_by_txn_live_list_iter(
referenced_xid_tuple* tuple,
const uint32_t index,
int r;
uint32_t idx;
TXNID txnid;
r = sie->live_root_txn_list->find_zero<TXNID, toku_find_xid_by_xid>(tuple->begin_id, &txnid, &idx);
if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) {
goto done;
invariant(txnid == tuple->begin_id);
invariant(tuple->references > 0);
if (--tuple->references == 0) {
sie->indexes_to_delete[sie->num_indexes] = index;
return 0;
static inline int
note_snapshot_txn_end_by_txn_live_list(TXN_MANAGER mgr, xid_omt_t* live_root_txn_list) {
uint32_t size = mgr->referenced_xids.size();
uint32_t indexes_to_delete[size];
SNAPSHOT_ITER_EXTRA sie = { .indexes_to_delete = indexes_to_delete, .num_indexes = 0, .live_root_txn_list = live_root_txn_list};
mgr->referenced_xids.iterate_ptr<SNAPSHOT_ITER_EXTRA, note_snapshot_txn_end_by_txn_live_list_iter>(&sie);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sie.num_indexes; i++) {
uint32_t curr_index = sie.indexes_to_delete[sie.num_indexes-i-1];
return 0;
//Heaviside function to find a TOKUTXN by TOKUTXN (used to find the index)
// template-only function, but must be extern
int find_xid (const TOKUTXN &txn, const TOKUTXN &txnfind);
......@@ -507,7 +553,16 @@ void toku_txn_manager_finish_txn(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TOKUTXN txn) {
r = txn_manager->snapshot_txnids.delete_at(index_in_snapshot_txnids);
referenced_xids_note_snapshot_txn_end(txn_manager, *txn->live_root_txn_list);
uint32_t ref_xids_size = txn_manager->referenced_xids.size();
uint32_t live_list_size = txn->live_root_txn_list->size();
if (ref_xids_size > 0 && live_list_size > 0) {
if (live_list_size > ref_xids_size && ref_xids_size < 2000) {
note_snapshot_txn_end_by_txn_live_list(txn_manager, txn->live_root_txn_list);
else {
note_snapshot_txn_end_by_ref_xids(txn_manager, *txn->live_root_txn_list);
//Free memory used for live root txns local list (will happen
//after we unlock the txn_manager_lock)
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ template<typename iterate_extra_t,
void omt<omtdata_t, omtdataout_t, supports_marks>::iterate_ptr_internal(const uint32_t left, const uint32_t right,
const subtree &subtree, const uint32_t idx,
iterate_extra_t *const iterate_extra) {
if (!subtree->is_null()) {
if (!subtree.is_null()) {
omt_node &n = this->d.t.nodes[subtree.get_index()];
const uint32_t idx_root = idx + this->nweight(n.left);
if (left < idx_root) {
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