Commit 82e74d4c authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya
Browse files

Cassandra SE

- Make cassandra.test drop and re-crate the test keyspace.
parent 4986de84
......@@ -30,11 +30,20 @@ create table t1 (rowkey char(10) primary key, column1 char(10)) engine=cassandra
thrift_host='localhost' keyspace='no_such_keyspace';
## Cassandra initialization:
## Cassandra initialization
./cqlsh --cql3
# Step 1: remove the keyspace that could be left over from the previous test
--remove_files_wildcard $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR cassandra_test_cleanup.cql
--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_cleanup.cql
drop keyspace mariadbtest2;
--error 0,1,2
--system cqlsh -3 -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_cleanup.cql
# Step 2: create new keyspace and test column families
--remove_files_wildcard $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR cassandra_test_init.cql
--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_init.cql
CREATE KEYSPACE mariadbtest2
WITH strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy'
......@@ -55,14 +64,27 @@ create columnfamily cf6 (rowkey uuid primary key, col1 int);
create columnfamily cf7 (rowkey int primary key, boolcol boolean);
create columnfamily cf8 (rowkey int primary key, countercol counter);
--error 0,1,2
--system cqlsh -3 -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_init.cql
# Step 3: Cassandra's CQL doesn't allow certain kinds of queries. Run them in
--remove_files_wildcard $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR cassandra_test_init.cli
--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_init.cli
use mariadbtest2;
WITH comparator = UTF8Type
AND key_validation_class=UTF8Type
AND default_validation_class = UTF8Type;
--error 0,1,2
--system cassandra-cli -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/cassandra_test_init.cli
## Cassandra initialization ends
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