Commit 87e6873c authored by Sergey Vojtovich's avatar Sergey Vojtovich

MDEV-9081 - Debian: insecure debian-sys-maint password handling

Set umask so that newly created file is not readable by others. This is a quick
fix to close security gap. To be replaced by MDEV-8375 - passwordless root
parent c597ed01
......@@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ EOF
pass=`perl -e 'print map{("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9)[int(rand(62))]}(1..16)'`;
if [ ! -d "$mysql_cfgdir" ]; then install -o 0 -g 0 -m 0755 -d $mysql_cfgdir; fi
umask 066
cat /dev/null > $dc
umask 022
echo "# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!" >>$dc
echo "[client]" >>$dc
echo "host = localhost" >>$dc
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