Commit 942b3879 authored by Guilhem Bichot's avatar Guilhem Bichot

Test for fix made by Monty for BUG#37276 (CHECK TABLE said Invalid key block...

Test for fix made by Monty for BUG#37276 (CHECK TABLE said Invalid key block position: 15731098820608  key
+# block size: 8192  file_length: 425984). Other corruption cases still not fixed.
Without the fix, the test would yield the corruption message in CHECK TABLE.

  test for bugfix
parent 81d3d3ac
create table t2(id int,a varchar(255),b varchar(255),key(a))engine=maria row_format=dynamic transactional=0;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t2 check status OK
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t2 check status OK
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