Commit 9994b88b authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Split off brt-test-cursor. Parallelizes about 10% of the brt-test. Addresses #475.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@2580 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 5b74ad09
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# make VERBOSE=2
# GCOV_FLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
# PROF_FLAGS = -pg
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),2)
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ REGRESSION_TESTS = \
fifo-test \
test-brt-delete-both \
brt-test \
brt-test-cursor \
test_oexcl \
test-assert \
test-primes \
......@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ CHECKS = \
brt-serialize-test \
test-brt-delete-both \
brt-test \
brt-test-cursor \
fifo-test \
test_toku_malloc_plain_free \
test-primes \
......@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ check-fanout:
pma-test benchmark-test brt-test test-brt-delete-both brt-serialize-test brtdump test-inc-split test-del-inorder: LDFLAGS+=-lz
pma-test benchmark-test brt-test brt-test-cursor test-brt-delete-both brt-serialize-test brtdump test-inc-split test-del-inorder: LDFLAGS+=-lz
# pma: PROF_FLAGS=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES = brt-internal.h cachetable.h fifo.h pma.h brt.h brttypes.h yerror.h ybt.h log.h ../include/db.h kv-pair.h memory.h crc.h
......@@ -142,10 +144,10 @@ ybt.o: ybt.h brttypes.h ../include/db.h
ybt-test: ybt-test.o ybt.o memory.o toku_assert.o
ybt-test.o: ybt.h ../include/db.h
cachetable.o: cachetable.h hashfun.h memory.h
brt-test: ybt.o brt.o fifo.o pma.o memory.o brt-serialize.o cachetable.o ybt.o key.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o
brt-test-cursor brt-test: ybt.o brt.o fifo.o pma.o memory.o brt-serialize.o cachetable.o ybt.o key.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o
log.o: log_header.h log-internal.h log.h wbuf.h crc.h brttypes.h $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES)
logformat: logformat.o toku_assert.o
brt-test.o brt.o: brt.h ../include/db.h fifo.h pma.h brttypes.h cachetable.h memory.h
brt-test-cursor.o brt-test.o brt.o: brt.h ../include/db.h fifo.h pma.h brttypes.h cachetable.h memory.h
brt-serialize-test.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES)
brt.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) key.h log_header.h
fifo.o: fifo.h brttypes.h
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