Commit bc49c233 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

Addresses #173, #182

First implementation (slow) of db->delboth
Does not yet support associated tables.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@5701 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 7a55432a
......@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ static int toku_c_getf_heavi(DBC *c, u_int32_t flags,
/* cursor methods */
static int toku_c_get(DBC * c, DBT * key, DBT * data, u_int32_t flag);
static int toku_c_get_noassociate(DBC * c, DBT * key, DBT * data, u_int32_t flag);
static int toku_db_delboth_noassociate(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *val, u_int32_t flags);
static int toku_c_pget(DBC * c, DBT *key, DBT *pkey, DBT *data, u_int32_t flag);
static int toku_c_del(DBC *c, u_int32_t flags);
static int toku_c_count(DBC *cursor, db_recno_t *count, u_int32_t flags);
......@@ -2272,17 +2273,9 @@ static int do_associated_deletes(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *data, DB *secondary
toku_brt_get_flags(secondary->i->brt, &brtflags);
if (brtflags & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT) {
//If the secondary has duplicates we need to use cursor deletes.
DBC *dbc;
r = toku_db_cursor(secondary, txn, &dbc, 0, 0);
if (r!=0) goto cursor_cleanup;
r = toku_c_get_noassociate(dbc, &idx, key, DB_GET_BOTH);
if (r!=0) goto cursor_cleanup;
r = toku_c_del_noassociate(dbc, 0);
r2 = toku_c_close(dbc);
} else
if (brtflags & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT)
r = toku_db_delboth_noassociate(secondary, txn, &idx, key, DB_DELETE_ANY);
r = toku_db_del_noassociate(secondary, txn, &idx, DB_DELETE_ANY);
if (idx.flags & DB_DBT_APPMALLOC) {
......@@ -2590,6 +2583,48 @@ static int toku_db_del(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, u_int32_t flags) {
return r;
static int toku_db_delboth_noassociate(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *val, u_int32_t flags) {
int r;
u_int32_t lock_flags = get_prelocked_flags(flags);
flags &= ~lock_flags;
u_int32_t suppress_missing = flags&DB_DELETE_ANY;
flags &= ~DB_DELETE_ANY;
if (flags!=0) return EINVAL;
//DB_DELETE_ANY supresses the DB_NOTFOUND return value indicating that the key was not found prior to the delete
//TODO: Speed up the DB_DELETE_ANY version by implementing it at the BRT layer.
DBC *dbc;
if ((r = toku_db_cursor(db, txn, &dbc, 0, 0))) goto cursor_cleanup;
r = toku_c_get_noassociate(dbc, key, val, DB_GET_BOTH);
if (r!=0) {
if (suppress_missing) {
r = 0;
goto cursor_cleanup;
return r;
r = toku_c_del_noassociate(dbc, 0);
int r2 = toku_c_close(dbc);
return r ? r : r2;
static int toku_db_delboth(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *val, u_int32_t flags) {
//It is a primary with secondaries, or is a secondary.
if (db->i->primary != 0 || !list_empty(&db->i->associated)) {
//Not yet supported.
return ENOSYS;
else {
return toku_db_delboth_noassociate(db, txn, key, val, flags);
static inline int db_thread_need_flags(DBT *dbt) {
return (dbt->flags & (DB_DBT_MALLOC+DB_DBT_REALLOC+DB_DBT_USERMEM)) == 0;
......@@ -3240,6 +3275,19 @@ static int locked_db_del(DB * db, DB_TXN * txn, DBT * key, u_int32_t flags) {
toku_ydb_lock(); int r = autotxn_db_del(db, txn, key, flags); toku_ydb_unlock(); return r;
static inline int autotxn_db_delboth(DB* db, DB_TXN* txn, DBT* key, DBT* val,
u_int32_t flags) {
BOOL changed; int r;
r = toku_db_construct_autotxn(db, &txn, &changed, FALSE);
if (r!=0) return r;
r = toku_db_delboth(db, txn, key, val, flags);
return toku_db_destruct_autotxn(txn, r, changed);
static int locked_db_delboth(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *val, u_int32_t flags) {
toku_ydb_lock(); int r = autotxn_db_delboth(db, txn, key, val, flags); toku_ydb_unlock(); return r;
static inline int autotxn_db_get(DB* db, DB_TXN* txn, DBT* key, DBT* data,
u_int32_t flags) {
BOOL changed; int r;
......@@ -3443,6 +3491,7 @@ static int toku_db_create(DB ** db, DB_ENV * env, u_int32_t flags) {
// SDB(key_range);
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