Commit d96f73e7 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

Addresses #1324

Port test to windows

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@9237 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 498aa508
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
void mkfile (const char *fname) {
int fd = creat(fname, O_WRONLY);
mode_t mode = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
int fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, mode);
if (fd<0) perror("opening");
int r = write(fd, "hello\n", 6); assert(r==6);
......@@ -72,11 +72,12 @@ extern "C" {
// Deprecated functions.
# if defined(__ICL) //Windows Intel Compiler
# pragma deprecated (fstat, getpid, syscall, sysconf, mkdir, strdup)
# pragma deprecated (creat, fstat, getpid, syscall, sysconf, mkdir, strdup)
# pragma deprecated (malloc, free, realloc)
# endif
# else
int creat() __attribute__((__deprecated__));
int fstat() __attribute__((__deprecated__));
int getpid(void) __attribute__((__deprecated__));
long int syscall(long int __sysno, ...) __attribute__((__deprecated__));
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