Commit d9f9fc56 authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:3643], rename a function, add comments

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@32910 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 3c639c71
......@@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ toku_brt_search_which_child(
brt_search_t *search
toku_brtnode_partition_state (struct brtnode_fetch_extra* bfe, int childnum);
toku_bfe_wants_child_available (struct brtnode_fetch_extra* bfe, int childnum);
// allocate a block number
// allocate and initialize a brtnode
......@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ setup_brtnode_partitions(BRTNODE node, struct brtnode_fetch_extra* bfe) {
for (int i = 0; i < node->n_children; i++) {
BP_STATE(node,i) = toku_brtnode_partition_state(bfe, i);
BP_STATE(node,i) = toku_bfe_wants_child_available(bfe,i) ? PT_AVAIL : PT_COMPRESSED;
BP_WORKDONE(node,i) = 0;
if (BP_STATE(node,i) == PT_AVAIL) {
setup_available_brtnode_partition(node, i);
......@@ -579,16 +579,21 @@ next_dict_id(void) {
return d;
toku_brtnode_partition_state (struct brtnode_fetch_extra* bfe, int childnum)
// Given a bfe and a childnum, returns whether the query that constructed the bfe
// wants the child available.
// Requires: bfe->child_to_read to have been set
toku_bfe_wants_child_available (struct brtnode_fetch_extra* bfe, int childnum)
if (bfe->type == brtnode_fetch_all ||
(bfe->type == brtnode_fetch_subset && bfe->child_to_read == childnum))
return PT_AVAIL;
return true;
else {
return false;
......@@ -633,6 +638,8 @@ int toku_brtnode_fetch_callback (CACHEFILE UU(cachefile), int fd, BLOCKNUM noden
assert(*brtnode_pv == NULL);
struct brtnode_fetch_extra *bfe = (struct brtnode_fetch_extra *)extraargs;
BRTNODE *result=(BRTNODE*)brtnode_pv;
// deserialize the node, must pass the bfe in because we cannot evaluate what piece of the
// the node is necessary until we get it at least partially into memory
int r = toku_deserialize_brtnode_from(fd, nodename, fullhash, result, bfe);
if (r == 0) {
*sizep = brtnode_memory_size(*result);
......@@ -659,7 +666,6 @@ int toku_brtnode_pe_callback (void *brtnode_pv, long bytes_to_free, long* bytes_
// if the bn is compressed, evict it
// else: check if it requires eviction, if it does, evict it, if not, sweep the clock count
else {
for (int i = 0; i < node->n_children; i++) {
// Get rid of compressed stuff no matter what.
......@@ -699,6 +705,14 @@ int toku_brtnode_pe_callback (void *brtnode_pv, long bytes_to_free, long* bytes_
// callback that states if partially reading a node is necessary
// could have just used toku_brtnode_fetch_callback, but wanted to separate the two cases to separate functions
// Currently, this function is responsible for the following things:
// - reporting to the cachetable whether a partial fetch is required (as required by the contract of the callback)
// - A couple of things that are NOT required by the callback, but we do for efficiency and simplicity reasons:
// - for queries, set the value of bfe->child_to_read so that the query that called this can proceed with the query
// as opposed to having to evaluate toku_brt_search_which_child again. This is done to make the in-memory query faster
// - touch the necessary partition's clock. The reason we do it here is so that there is one central place it is done, and not done
// by all the various callers
BOOL toku_brtnode_pf_req_callback(void* brtnode_pv, void* read_extraargs) {
// placeholder for now
BOOL retval = FALSE;
......@@ -759,7 +773,7 @@ int toku_brtnode_pf_callback(void* brtnode_pv, void* read_extraargs, int fd, lon
if (BP_STATE(node,i) == PT_AVAIL) {
if (toku_brtnode_partition_state(bfe, i) == PT_AVAIL) {
if (toku_bfe_wants_child_available(bfe, i)) {
if (BP_STATE(node,i) == PT_COMPRESSED) {
// decompress the subblock
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