Commit eb4d3ef2 authored by Inaam Rana's avatar Inaam Rana

merge bug#13390506 from mysql-5.1

parent a07f5da1
set global innodb_file_per_table=on;
set global innodb_file_format=`1`;
create table t1(a text) engine=innodb key_block_size=8;
SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
drop table t1;
SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
create table t2(a text) engine=innodb;
SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
drop table t2;
-- source include/
let $per_table=`select @@innodb_file_per_table`;
let $format=`select @@innodb_file_format`;
-- let $query_i_s = SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0
set global innodb_file_per_table=on;
set global innodb_file_format=`1`;
create table t1(a text) engine=innodb key_block_size=8;
-- disable_query_log
# insert some rows so we are using compressed pages
-- let $i = 10
while ($i)
insert into t1 values(repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',100));
dec $i;
-- enable_query_log
# we should be using some 8K pages
-- eval $query_i_s
drop table t1;
# no lazy eviction at drop table in 5.1 and 5.5 there should be no
# used 8K pages
-- eval $query_i_s
# create a non-compressed table and insert enough into it to evict
# compressed pages
create table t2(a text) engine=innodb;
-- disable_query_log
-- let $i = 200
while ($i)
insert into t2 values(repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',1000));
dec $i;
-- enable_query_log
# now there should be no 8K pages in the buffer pool
-- eval $query_i_s
drop table t2;
# restore environment to the state it was before this test execution
-- disable_query_log
eval set global innodb_file_format=$format;
eval set global innodb_file_per_table=$per_table;
......@@ -1219,6 +1219,24 @@ buf_pool_free_instance(
buf_chunk_t* chunk;
buf_chunk_t* chunks;
buf_page_t* bpage;
bpage = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
while (bpage != NULL) {
buf_page_t* prev_bpage = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, bpage);
enum buf_page_state state = buf_page_get_state(bpage);
if (state != BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE) {
/* We must not have any dirty block. */
ut_ad(state == BUF_BLOCK_ZIP_PAGE);
bpage = prev_bpage;
chunks = buf_pool->chunks;
chunk = chunks + buf_pool->n_chunks;
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