Commit fe7751cb authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Add mtr_verbose to print more verbose output when --verbose flag is used

parent 13a4ea40
......@@ -661,14 +661,13 @@ sub mtr_wait_blocking($) {
# Return if no processes defined
return if ! %$admin_pids;
# mtr_report("mtr_wait_blocking");
# Wait for all the started processes to exit
# As mysqladmin is such a simple program, we trust it to terminate itself.
# I.e. we wait blocking, and wait wait for them all before we go on.
foreach my $pid (keys %{$admin_pids})
# mtr_report("pid: $pid");
my $ret_pid= waitpid($pid,0);
......@@ -708,7 +707,7 @@ sub mtr_mysqladmin_start($$$) {
my $pid= mtr_spawn($::exe_mysqladmin, $args,
"", $path_mysqladmin_log, $path_mysqladmin_log, "",
{ append_log_file => 1 });
# mtr_report("mtr_mysqladmin_start, pid: $pid");
mtr_verbose("mtr_mysqladmin_start, pid: $pid");
return $pid;
......@@ -733,7 +732,7 @@ sub mtr_ndbmgm_start($$) {
my $pid= mtr_spawn($::exe_ndb_mgm, $args,
"", "/dev/null", "/dev/null", "",
# mtr_report("mtr_ndbmgm_start, pid: $pid");
mtr_verbose("mtr_ndbmgm_start, pid: $pid");
return $pid;
......@@ -926,7 +925,7 @@ sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$) {
sub mtr_kill_processes ($) {
my $pids = shift;
# mtr_report("mtr_kill_processes " . join(" ", @$pids));
mtr_verbose("mtr_kill_processes " . join(" ", @$pids));
foreach my $sig (15, 9)
my $retries= 10;
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ sub mtr_warning (@);
sub mtr_error (@);
sub mtr_child_error (@);
sub mtr_debug (@);
sub mtr_verbose (@);
......@@ -342,5 +343,11 @@ sub mtr_debug (@) {
print STDERR "####: ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_verbose (@) {
if ( $::opt_verbose )
print STDERR "> ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
......@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ our $opt_suite;
our $opt_netware;
our $opt_script_debug= 0; # Script debugging, enable with --script-debug
our $opt_verbose= 1; # Verbose output, enable with --verbose
# Options FIXME not all....
......@@ -656,6 +657,7 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
'old-master' => \$opt_old_master,
'reorder' => \$opt_reorder,
'script-debug' => \$opt_script_debug,
'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep,
'socket=s' => \$opt_socket,
'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty,
......@@ -1635,7 +1637,7 @@ sub ndbcluster_wait_started($){
"", $path_waiter_log, $path_waiter_log, "");
# mtr_report("ndbcluster_wait_started, returns: $res") if $res;
mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_wait_started, returns: $res") if $res;
return $res;
......@@ -1662,7 +1664,7 @@ sub ndb_mgmd_start ($) {
# Remember pid of ndb_mgmd
$cluster->{'pid'}= $pid;
# mtr_report("ndb_mgmd_start, pid: $pid");
mtr_verbose("ndb_mgmd_start, pid: $pid");
return $pid;
......@@ -1694,7 +1696,7 @@ sub ndbd_start ($$$) {
# Add pid to list of pids for this cluster
$cluster->{'ndbds'}->[$idx]->{'pid'}= $pid;
# mtr_report("ndbd_start, pid: $pid");
mtr_verbose("ndbd_start, pid: $pid");
return $pid;
......@@ -1704,7 +1706,7 @@ sub ndbcluster_start ($$) {
my $cluster= shift;
my $extra_args= shift;
# mtr_report("ndbcluster_start '$cluster->{'name'}'");
mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_start '$cluster->{'name'}'");
if ( $glob_use_running_ndbcluster )
......@@ -2806,7 +2808,7 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$$) {
# Remember pid of the started process
$mysqld->{'pid'}= $pid;
# mtr_report("mysqld pid: $pid");
mtr_verbose("mysqld pid: $pid");
return $pid;
......@@ -3948,6 +3950,7 @@ Misc options
comment=STR Write STR to the output
notimer Don't show test case execution time
script-debug Debug this script itself
verbose More verbose output
start-and-exit Only initialize and start the servers, using the
startup settings for the specified test case (if any)
start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for
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