1. 09 Feb, 2006 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed BUG#16896: Stored function: unused AGGREGATE-clause in CREATE FUNCTION · 0fd78492
      unknown authored
        Check if AGGREGATE was given with a stored (non-UDF) function, and return
        error in that case.
        Also made udf_example/udf_test work again, by adding a missing *_init()
        function. (_init() functions required unless --allow_suspicious_udfs is
        given to the server, since March 2005 - it seems udf_example wasn't updated
        at the time.)
        Updated results for BUG#16896.
        Added test case for BUG#16896.
        New error message: ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE
        Check if AGGREGATE was used when creating a stored function (i.e. not an UDF).
        Added myfunc_int_init() function to make it work when the server is running without
  2. 08 Feb, 2006 3 commits
  3. 07 Feb, 2006 14 commits
  4. 06 Feb, 2006 9 commits
  5. 05 Feb, 2006 3 commits
  6. 03 Feb, 2006 10 commits