- 07 Sep, 2006 1 commit
rburnett@bk-internal.mysql.com authored
into bk-internal.mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0-kt
- 06 Sep, 2006 5 commits
cmiller@zippy.cornsilk.net authored
into zippy.cornsilk.net:/home/cmiller/work/mysql/mysql-5.0-maint
rburnett@bk-internal.mysql.com authored
into bk-internal.mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0-kt
jonas@perch.ndb.mysql.com authored
into perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-5.0-ndb
- 05 Sep, 2006 1 commit
guilhem@gbichot3.local authored
In 5.0 we made LOAD DATA INFILE autocommit in all engines, while only NDB wanted that. Users and trainers complained that it affected InnoDB and was a change compared to 4.1 where only NDB autocommitted. To revert to the behaviour of 4.1, we move the autocommit logic out of mysql_load() into ha_ndbcluster::external_lock(). The result is that LOAD DATA INFILE commits all uncommitted changes of NDB if this is an NDB table, its own changes if this is an NDB table, but does not affect other engines. Note: even though there is no "commit the full transaction at end" anymore, LOAD DATA INFILE stays disabled in routines (re-entrency problems per a comment of Pem). Note: ha_ndbcluster::has_transactions() does not give reliable results because it says "yes" even if transactions are disabled in this engine...
- 04 Sep, 2006 11 commits
jonas@perch.ndb.mysql.com authored
into perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-5.0-ndb
jonas@perch.ndb.mysql.com authored
into perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/50-work
jonas@perch.ndb.mysql.com authored
fix deadlock if master switches log file in parallell with "show master logs"
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
Fix problem where mysql-test-run.pl fails to start up the mysqld after a failed test. Shows up on win hosts where one failed test case make subsequent ones fails with error "Could not open connection 'default': 2003 Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'"
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
tnurnberg@maint1.mysql.com authored
into maint1.mysql.com:/data/localhome/tnurnberg/my50-21913
into salvation.intern.azundris.com:/home/tnurnberg/21913/my50-21913 21913: DATE_FORMAT() Crashes mysql server if I use it through mysql-connector-j driver. Variable character_set_results can legally be NULL (for "no conversion.") This could result in a NULL deref that crashed the server. Fixed. (Although ran some additional precursory tests to see whether I could break anything else, but no breakage so far.)
Variable character_set_results can legally be NULL (for "no conversion.") This could result in a NULL deref that crashed the server. Fixed. (Although ran some additional precursory tests to see whether I could break anything else, but no breakage so far.)
- 03 Sep, 2006 1 commit
tsmith@maint1.mysql.com authored
into maint1.mysql.com:/data/localhome/tsmith/bk/mysql-5.0-maint
- 02 Sep, 2006 5 commits
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0
grichter@bk-internal.mysql.com authored
into bk-internal.mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0-cmake
tsmith@maint2.mysql.com authored
into maint2.mysql.com:/data/localhome/tsmith/bk/50
grichter@bk-internal.mysql.com authored
into bk-internal.mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0-cmake
- 01 Sep, 2006 16 commits
cmiller@maint1.mysql.com authored
into maint1.mysql.com:/data/localhome/cmiller/mysql-5.0-maint
cmiller@maint1.mysql.com authored
Provide a more extensible, easier-to-change way of reordering test cases.
georg@lmy002.wdf.sap.corp authored
georg@lmy002.wdf.sap.corp authored
georg@lmy002.wdf.sap.corp authored
timour/tkatchaounov@dl145s.mysql.com authored
into dl145s.mysql.com:/data/tkatchaounov/5.0-bug-21787
timour/timka@lamia.home authored
The problem was due to a prior fix for BUG 9676, which limited the rows stored in a temporary table to the LIMIT clause. This optimization is not applicable to non-group queries with aggregate functions. The fix disables the optimization in this case.
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
sergefp@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/psergey/mysql-5.0-bug21477-look-64bit
sergefp@mysql.com authored
make st_select_lex::setup_ref_array() take into account that Item_sum-descendant objects located within descendant SELECTs may be added into ref_pointer_array.
msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
into neptunus.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0-maint
georg@lmy002.wdf.sap.corp authored
msvensson@shellback.(none) authored
into shellback.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.0-maint
msvensson@shellback.(none) authored
into shellback.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mtr/my50-mtr
msvensson@shellback.(none) authored
jonas@perch.ndb.mysql.com authored
into perch.ndb.mysql.com:/home/jonas/src/mysql-5.0-ndb