1. 28 Mar, 2004 1 commit
    • dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain's avatar
      "Fix" for BUG #2050 "10 to 1 performance drop with server 4.1.1". · 9e28b769
      dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain authored
      Actually it is not a bug but right behavior observed as pefomance 
      degradation after we have forced Item_field::fix_fields() to 
      re-execute each time when we are executing prep stmt.
      This patch implements small optimization which heals this bad 
      behavior. We are caching field position in TABLE::field array in
      Item's member and are using this position for speeding up field
      lookups in fix_fields() in case of its re-execution.
  2. 24 Mar, 2004 5 commits
  3. 23 Mar, 2004 7 commits
  4. 22 Mar, 2004 9 commits
  5. 21 Mar, 2004 3 commits
  6. 20 Mar, 2004 11 commits
  7. 19 Mar, 2004 4 commits