1. 23 Feb, 2005 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Use the mgm connection used for fetching configuration as a transporter. · bb5a2f28
      unknown authored
        Add mgmapi call: ndb_mgm_get_mgmd_nodeid()
        - returns the node id that the handle is connected to.
        - returns 0 on error.
        Add TransporterRegistry::connect_client(NdbMgmHandle h)
         - uses a connected NdbMgmHandle to connect to the mgm server as a client.
         - sets up a transporter connection
         - used to transform the initial mgm connection (used for fetching configuration)
           into a transporter connection
        Added connect_ndb_mgmd(NdbMgmHandle h)
         - turn the supplied mgm connection into a transporter connection
         - return the socket
        Improve comments on connect_ndb_mgmd(SocketClient)
        Add Transporter::connect_client(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE)
         - use an existing socket to make a transporter connection
        Add connect_client(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE)
        Add TransporterRegistry::connect_client(NdbMgmHandle)
         - use an existing mgm connection to connect a transporter
         - used to change the mgm connection used for fetching configuration into a transporter
        Add connect_ndb_mgmd(NdbMgmHandle)
         - use existing NdbMgmHandle
         - convert to transporter
         - return socket
        After fetching configuration, use the mgm connection as a transporter.
        Fail fatally if this fails.
        Add ndb_mgm_get_mgmd_nodeid(h)
         - returns the node id of the mgm server you're connected to.
        Add "get mgmd nodeid" mgmd call
        returns 'nodeid' - the node id of the mgm server your connected to
        add prototype for get_mgmd_nodeid
  2. 22 Feb, 2005 12 commits
  3. 21 Feb, 2005 27 commits