1. 13 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • lenz@mysql.com's avatar
      - Tagged ChangeSet 1.1224 as "mysql-3.23.53" · d8f843a7
      lenz@mysql.com authored
       - bumped up version number to 3.23.54 in configure.in
       - replaced Docs/LICENSE with Docs/MySQLEULA.txt and modified
         scripts/make_binary_distribution.sh and Build-tools/mysql-copyright*
  2. 11 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • heikki@hundin.mysql.fi's avatar
      os0thread.c: · 399ba21d
      heikki@hundin.mysql.fi authored
        Fix compilation error on HP-UX-11: pthread_t is a scalar there, not a struct like in HP-UX-10.20
  3. 10 Oct, 2002 1 commit
  4. 09 Oct, 2002 6 commits
  5. 08 Oct, 2002 7 commits
  6. 07 Oct, 2002 4 commits
  7. 06 Oct, 2002 1 commit
  8. 05 Oct, 2002 3 commits
  9. 03 Oct, 2002 7 commits
  10. 02 Oct, 2002 3 commits
  11. 01 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • heikki@hundin.mysql.fi's avatar
      lock0lock.c: · 43f9ef5d
      heikki@hundin.mysql.fi authored
        Fix bug: the AUTO-INC lock was held to the end of trx if it was granted after a lock wait
  12. 27 Sep, 2002 2 commits
  13. 24 Sep, 2002 1 commit
  14. 23 Sep, 2002 2 commits