Commit a1b4dd6c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 4ecceb3f
......@@ -162,23 +162,60 @@ var basicTypes = map[types.BasicKind]basicCodec {
// state of decode codegen
// Buffer + bell & whistles
type Buffer struct {
func (b *Buffer) emit(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(b, format+"\n", a...)
// interface of codegenerator for coder/decoder
type CodecCodeGen interface {
// emit code to process basic fixed types (not string)
// userType is type actually used in source (for which typ is underlying), or nil
genBasic(path string, typ *types.Basic, userType types.Type, obj types.Object)
genSlice(path string, typ *types.Slice, obj types.Object)
genMap(path string, typ *types.Map, obj types.Object)
// XXX particular case of slice
genStrBytes(path string)
// encode/decode codegen
type encoder struct {
Buffer // XXX
n int
type decoder struct {
buf bytes.Buffer // buffer for generated code
n int // current decode position in data
Buffer // buffer for generated code
n int // current decode position in data
func (d *decoder) emit(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(&d.buf, format+"\n", a...)
//var _ CodecCodeGen = (*encoder)(nil)
var _ CodecCodeGen = (*decoder)(nil)
func (/*e*/d *encoder) genBasic(path string, typ *types.Basic, userType types.Type, obj types.Object) {
basic := basicTypes[typ.Kind()]
dataptr := fmt.Sprintf("data[%v:]", d.n)
decoded := fmt.Sprintf(basic.decode, dataptr)
d.n += basic.wireSize
if userType != nil && userType != typ {
// userType is a named type over some basic, like
// type ClusterState int32
// -> need to cast
decoded = fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", typeName(userType), decoded)
// NOTE no space before "=" - to be able to merge with ":"
// prefix and become defining assignment
d.emit("%s= %s", path, decoded)
// emit code to decode basic fixed types (not string)
// userType is type actually used in source (for which typ is underlying), or nil
func (d *decoder) genBasic(assignto string, typ *types.Basic, userType types.Type, obj types.Object) {
basic, ok := basicTypes[typ.Kind()]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("%v: %v: basic type %v not supported", pos(obj), obj.Name(), typ)
basic := basicTypes[typ.Kind()]
dataptr := fmt.Sprintf("data[%v:]", d.n)
decoded := fmt.Sprintf(basic.decode, dataptr)
d.n += basic.wireSize
......@@ -271,19 +308,6 @@ func (d *decoder) genMap(assignto string, typ *types.Map, obj types.Object) {
d.n = 0
// interface of codegenerator for coder/decoder
type CodecCodeGen interface {
// emit code to process basic fixed types (not string)
// userType is type actually used in source (for which typ is underlying), or nil
genBasic(path string, typ *types.Basic, userType types.Type, obj types.Object)
genSlice(path string, typ *types.Slice, obj types.Object)
genMap(path string, typ *types.Map, obj types.Object)
// XXX particular case of slice
genStrBytes(path string)
// top-level driver for emitting encode/decode code for a type
// the code emitted is of kind:
......@@ -300,6 +324,10 @@ func codegenType(path string, typ types.Type, obj types.Object, codegen CodecCod
_, ok := basicTypes[u.Kind()]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("%v: %v: basic type %v not supported", pos(obj), obj.Name(), u)
codegen.genBasic(path, u, typ, obj)
case *types.Array:
......@@ -350,5 +378,6 @@ func gendecode(typespec *ast.TypeSpec) string {
d.emit("return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow")
return d.buf.String()
//return d.buf.String()
return d.String()
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