Commit e43a68e4 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent b85f5087
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ import (
type NodeLink struct {
peerLink net.Conn // raw conn to peer
connPool connPool
connMu sync.Mutex
connTab map[uint32]*Conn // connId -> Conn associated with connId
nextConnId uint32 // next connId to use for Conn initiated by us
......@@ -129,38 +128,6 @@ type Conn struct {
closeOnce sync.Once
// connPool is free-list for Conn
type connPool struct {
New := func() *Conn {
return &Conn{
rxq: make(chan *PktBuf, 1), // NOTE non-blocking - see serveRecv XXX +buf
func (p *connPool) Get() *Conn {
c := p.Pool.Get().(*Conn)
return c
func (c *Conn) reinit() {
c.connId = 0
c.rxqActive = 0
c.rxdownFlag = 0
// XXX rxerr*
// XXX errMsg
// XXX more
func (p *connPool) Put(c *Conn) {
var ErrLinkClosed = errors.New("node link is closed") // operations on closed NodeLink
var ErrLinkDown = errors.New("node link is down") // e.g. due to IO error
var ErrLinkNoListen = errors.New("node link is not listening for incoming connections")
......@@ -234,16 +201,50 @@ func newNodeLink(conn net.Conn, role LinkRole) *NodeLink {
return nl
// newConn creates new Conn with id=connId and registers it into connTab.
// Must be called with connMu held.
func (nl *NodeLink) newConn(connId uint32) *Conn {
c := &Conn{link: nl,
connId: connId,
// connPool is freelist for Conn
// XXX make it per-link?
var connPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {
return &Conn{
rxq: make(chan *PktBuf, 1), // NOTE non-blocking - see serveRecv XXX +buf
txerr: make(chan error, 1), // NOTE non-blocking - see Conn.Send
txdown: make(chan struct{}),
rxdown: make(chan struct{}),
// connAlloc allocates Conn from freelist
func connAlloc(link *NodeLink, connId uint32) *Conn {
c := connPool.Get().(*Conn)
c.reinit() = link
c.connId = connId
return c
// release releases connection to freelist
func (c *Conn) release() {
c.reinit() // XXX just in case
func (c *Conn) reinit() {
// FIXME review and put everything here !!!
c.connId = 0
c.rxqActive = 0
c.rxdownFlag = 0
// XXX rxerr*
// XXX errMsg
// XXX more
// newConn creates new Conn with id=connId and registers it into connTab.
// Must be called with connMu held.
func (nl *NodeLink) newConn(connId uint32) *Conn {
c := connAlloc(nl, connId)
nl.connTab[connId] = c
return c
......@@ -419,11 +420,11 @@ loop:
// "connection closed" if a packet comes in with same connID.
var connKeepClosed = 1*time.Minute
// release releases connection to freelist.
// lightClose closes light connection.
// No Send or Recv must be in flight.
// The caller must not use c after call to release.
func (c *Conn) release() {
// The caller must not use c after call to close - the connection is returned to freelist.
func (c *Conn) lightClose() {
nl :=
if nl.connTab != nil {
......@@ -433,8 +434,7 @@ func (c *Conn) release() {
// XXX just in case
// CloseRecv closes reading end of connection.
......@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ func (req *Request) Release() {
//return req.conn.Close()
// XXX req.Msg.Release() ?
req.Msg = nil
req.conn = nil // just in case
......@@ -1480,12 +1480,7 @@ func (link *NodeLink) Ask1(req Msg, resp Msg) (err error) {
return err
defer func() {
err2 := conn.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
defer conn.lightClose()
err = conn.Send(req)
if err != nil {
......@@ -992,6 +992,9 @@ func benchmarkLinkRTT(b *testing.B, l1, l2 *NodeLink) {
if !(obj.Oid == get.Oid && obj.Serial == get.Serial && obj.DataSerial == get.Tid) {
b.Fatalf("read back: %v ; requested %v", obj, get)
// XXX must be obj.Release
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