Commit 487664ec authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Require CFFI on CPython for pure-Python operation.

Fixes #77
parent ed81c6f7
......@@ -16,10 +16,18 @@
- The Python implementation raises ``AttributeError`` if a
persistent class doesn't have a ``p_jar`` attribute.
See `issue 102
- Allow sweeping cache without ``cache_size``. ``cache_size_bytes``
works with ``cache_size=0``, no need to set ``cache_size`` to a
large value.
- Require ``CFFI`` on CPython for pure-Python operation. This drops
support for Jython (which was untested). See `issue 77
4.4.3 (2018-10-22)
......@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@
#pylint: disable=W0212,E0211,W0622,E0213,W0221,E0239
# pylint:disable=inherit-non-class,no-self-argument,redefined-builtin,c-extension-no-member
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implementer
from persistent import _ring
class IRing(Interface):
"""Conceptually, a doubly-linked list for efficiently keeping track of least-
and most-recently used :class:`persistent.interfaces.IPersistent` objects.
......@@ -28,13 +30,13 @@ class IRing(Interface):
explaining assumptions and performance requirements.
def __len__():
def __len__(): # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
"""Return the number of persistent objects stored in the ring.
Should be constant time.
def __contains__(object):
def __contains__(object): # pylint:disable=unexpected-special-method-signature
"""Answer whether the given persistent object is found in the ring.
Must not rely on object equality or object hashing, but only
......@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ class IRing(Interface):
Should be at least linear time (not quadratic).
def __iter__():
def __iter__(): # pylint:disable=no-method-argument
"""Iterate over each persistent object in the ring, in the order of least
recently used to most recently used.
......@@ -91,127 +93,72 @@ class IRing(Interface):
undefined consequences.
from collections import deque
class _DequeRing(object):
"""A ring backed by the :class:`collections.deque` class.
ffi = _ring.ffi
_FFI_RING = _ring.lib
Operations are a mix of constant and linear time.
_OGA = object.__getattribute__
_OSA = object.__setattr__
It is available on all platforms.
class _CFFIRing(object):
"""A ring backed by a C implementation. All operations are constant time.
It is only available on platforms with ``cffi`` installed.
__slots__ = ('ring', 'ring_oids')
__slots__ = ('ring_home', 'ring_to_obj')
def __init__(self):
node = self.ring_home ="CPersistentRing*")
node.r_next = node
node.r_prev = node
self.ring = deque()
self.ring_oids = set()
# In order for the CFFI objects to stay alive, we must keep
# a strong reference to them, otherwise they get freed. We must
# also keep strong references to the objects so they can be deactivated
self.ring_to_obj = dict()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.ring)
return len(self.ring_to_obj)
def __contains__(self, pobj):
return pobj._p_oid in self.ring_oids
return getattr(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', self) in self.ring_to_obj
def add(self, pobj):
node ="CPersistentRing*")
_FFI_RING.ring_add(self.ring_home, node)
self.ring_to_obj[node] = pobj
_OSA(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', node)
def delete(self, pobj):
# Note that we do not use self.ring.remove() because that
# uses equality semantics and we don't want to call the persistent
# object's __eq__ method (which might wake it up just after we
# tried to ghost it)
for i, o in enumerate(self.ring):
if o is pobj:
del self.ring[i]
return 1
its_node = getattr(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', None)
our_obj = self.ring_to_obj.pop(its_node, None)
if its_node is not None and our_obj is not None and its_node.r_next:
return 1
return None
def move_to_head(self, pobj):
node = _OGA(pobj, '_Persistent__ring')
_FFI_RING.ring_move_to_head(self.ring_home, node)
def delete_all(self, indexes_and_values):
for ix, value in reversed(indexes_and_values):
del self.ring[ix]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.ring)
for _, value in indexes_and_values:
def iteritems(self):
head = self.ring_home
here = head.r_next
while here != head:
yield here
here = here.r_next
from persistent import _ring
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
_CFFIRing = None
ffi = _ring.ffi
_FFI_RING = _ring.lib
_OGA = object.__getattribute__
_OSA = object.__setattr__
#pylint: disable=E1101
class _CFFIRing(object):
"""A ring backed by a C implementation. All operations are constant time.
It is only available on platforms with ``cffi`` installed.
__slots__ = ('ring_home', 'ring_to_obj')
def __init__(self):
node = self.ring_home ="CPersistentRing*")
node.r_next = node
node.r_prev = node
# In order for the CFFI objects to stay alive, we must keep
# a strong reference to them, otherwise they get freed. We must
# also keep strong references to the objects so they can be deactivated
self.ring_to_obj = dict()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.ring_to_obj)
def __contains__(self, pobj):
return getattr(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', self) in self.ring_to_obj
def add(self, pobj):
node ="CPersistentRing*")
_FFI_RING.ring_add(self.ring_home, node)
self.ring_to_obj[node] = pobj
_OSA(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', node)
def delete(self, pobj):
its_node = getattr(pobj, '_Persistent__ring', None)
our_obj = self.ring_to_obj.pop(its_node, None)
if its_node is not None and our_obj is not None and its_node.r_next:
return 1
def move_to_head(self, pobj):
node = _OGA(pobj, '_Persistent__ring')
_FFI_RING.ring_move_to_head(self.ring_home, node)
def delete_all(self, indexes_and_values):
for _, value in indexes_and_values:
def iteritems(self):
head = self.ring_home
here = head.r_next
while here != head:
yield here
here = here.r_next
def __iter__(self):
ring_to_obj = self.ring_to_obj
for node in self.iteritems():
yield ring_to_obj[node]
def __iter__(self):
ring_to_obj = self.ring_to_obj
for node in self.iteritems():
yield ring_to_obj[node]
# Export the best available implementation
Ring = _CFFIRing if _CFFIRing else _DequeRing
Ring = _CFFIRing
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from persistent._compat import copy_reg
_is_pypy3 = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and sys.version_info[0] > 2
_is_jython = platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython'
# pylint:disable=R0904,W0212,E1101
# pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,too-many-lines
......@@ -985,7 +984,7 @@ class _Persistent_Base(object):
self.assertEqual(inst.baz, 'bam')
self.assertEqual(inst.qux, 'spam')
if not _is_pypy3 and not _is_jython:
if not _is_pypy3:
def test___setstate___interns_dict_keys(self):
class Derived(self._getTargetClass()):
......@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
import gc
import os
import platform
import sys
import unittest
from persistent.interfaces import UPTODATE
......@@ -22,7 +20,6 @@ from persistent.interfaces import UPTODATE
# pylint:disable=protected-access,too-many-lines,too-many-public-methods
_is_pypy = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'
_is_jython = 'java' in sys.platform
_marker = object()
......@@ -32,22 +29,12 @@ def skipIfNoCExtension(o):
persistent._cPickleCache is None,
"The C extension is not available")(o)
if _is_jython: # pragma: no cover
def with_deterministic_gc(f):
def test(self):
# pylint:disable=no-member
old_flags = gc.getMonitorGlobal()
f(self, force_collect=True)
return test
def with_deterministic_gc(f):
return f
def skipIfPurePython(o):
import persistent._compat
return unittest.skipIf(
"Cannot mix and match implementations"
class PickleCacheTests(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -657,14 +644,6 @@ class PickleCacheTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ring_impl(self):
from .. import ring
expected = (ring._CFFIRing
if _is_pypy or ring._CFFIRing is not None or os.environ.get('USING_CFFI')
else ring._DequeRing)
self.assertIs(ring.Ring, expected)
class PythonPickleCacheTests(PickleCacheTests):
# Tests that depend on the implementation details of the
......@@ -1007,9 +986,8 @@ class PythonPickleCacheTests(PickleCacheTests):
self.assertTrue(items[0][1] is candidate)
self.assertEqual(candidate._p_state, UPTODATE)
def test_cache_garbage_collection_bytes_also_deactivates_object(self,
force_collect=_is_pypy or _is_jython):
class MyPersistent(self._getDummyPersistentClass()):
def _p_deactivate(self):
......@@ -1070,9 +1048,7 @@ class PythonPickleCacheTests(PickleCacheTests):
candidate._p_jar = None
self.assertRaises(KeyError, cache.new_ghost, key, candidate)
def test_cache_garbage_collection_bytes_with_cache_size_0(
self, force_collect=_is_pypy or _is_jython):
def test_cache_garbage_collection_bytes_with_cache_size_0(self):
class MyPersistent(self._getDummyPersistentClass()):
def _p_deactivate(self):
......@@ -1116,6 +1092,7 @@ class PythonPickleCacheTests(PickleCacheTests):
class CPickleCacheTests(PickleCacheTests):
def _getTargetClass(self):
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import unittest
from .. import ring
#pylint: disable=R0904,W0212,E1101
# pylint:disable=protected-access
class DummyPersistent(object):
_p_oid = None
......@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ class DummyPersistent(object):
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
return "<Dummy %r>" % self._p_oid
class _Ring_Base(object):
class CFFIRingTests(unittest.TestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self):
"""Return the type of the ring to test"""
raise NotImplementedError()
return ring._CFFIRing
def _makeOne(self):
return self._getTargetClass()()
......@@ -137,21 +137,3 @@ class _Ring_Base(object):
r.delete_all([(0, p1), (2, p3)])
self.assertEqual([p2], list(r))
self.assertEqual(1, len(r))
class DequeRingTests(unittest.TestCase, _Ring_Base):
def _getTargetClass(self):
return ring._DequeRing
_add_to_suite = [DequeRingTests]
if ring._CFFIRing:
class CFFIRingTests(unittest.TestCase, _Ring_Base):
def _getTargetClass(self):
return ring._CFFIRing
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite([unittest.makeSuite(x) for x in _add_to_suite])
......@@ -232,12 +232,6 @@ class PyAndCComparisonTests(unittest.TestCase):
from persistent.timestamp import pyTimeStamp
return pyTimeStamp(*args, **kwargs)
def _is_jython(self):
import platform
py_impl = getattr(platform, 'python_implementation', lambda: None)
return py_impl() == 'Jython'
def _make_C_and_Py(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._makeC(*args, **kwargs), self._makePy(*args, **kwargs)
......@@ -300,18 +294,7 @@ class PyAndCComparisonTests(unittest.TestCase):
MUT.c_long = c_int64
# call __hash__ directly to avoid interpreter truncation
# in hash() on 32-bit platforms
if not self._is_jython:
self.assertEqual(py.__hash__(), bit_64_hash)
else: # pragma: no cover
# Jython 2.7's ctypes module doesn't properly
# implement the 'value' attribute by truncating.
# (It does for native calls, but not visibly to Python).
# Therefore we get back the full python long. The actual
# hash() calls are correct, though, because the JVM uses
# 32-bit ints for its hashCode methods.
self.assertEqual(py.__hash__(), bit_64_hash)
MUT._MAXINT = orig_maxint
if orig_c_long is not None:
......@@ -320,7 +303,7 @@ class PyAndCComparisonTests(unittest.TestCase):
del MUT.c_long
# These are *usually* aliases, but aren't required
# to be (and aren't under Jython 2.7).
# to be
expected_hash = bit_32_hash if is_32_bit_hash else bit_64_hash
self.assertEqual(py.__hash__(), expected_hash)
......@@ -328,9 +311,9 @@ class PyAndCComparisonTests(unittest.TestCase):
# The simple constants make it easier to diagnose
# a difference in algorithms
import persistent.timestamp as MUT
# We get 32-bit hash values on 32-bit platforms, or on the JVM
# We get 32-bit hash values on 32-bit platforms,
# OR on Windows (whether compiled in 64 or 32-bit mode)
is_32_bit = MUT._MAXINT == (2**31 - 1) or self._is_jython or sys.platform == 'win32'
is_32_bit = MUT._MAXINT == (2**31 - 1) or sys.platform == 'win32'
c, py = self._make_C_and_Py(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
self.assertEqual(hash(c), 8)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from setuptools import Extension
from setuptools import find_packages
from setuptools import setup
version = '4.4.4.dev0'
version = '4.5.0.dev0'
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ def _read_file(filename):
README = (_read_file('README.rst') + '\n\n' + _read_file('CHANGES.rst'))
is_pypy = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'
is_jython = 'java' in sys.platform
# Jython cannot build the C optimizations, while on PyPy they are
# On PyPy the C optimizations are
# anti-optimizations (the C extension compatibility layer is known-slow,
# and defeats JIT opportunities).
if is_pypy or is_jython:
# and defeats JIT opportunities); PyPy 6.0 can compile them, but the
# tests fail and they actually crash the VM.
if is_pypy:
# Note that all the lists we pass to setuptools must be distinct
# objects, or bad things happen. See
ext_modules = []
......@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ setup(name='persistent',
'test': [
"cffi ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'",
'testing': (),
......@@ -131,6 +130,10 @@ setup(name='persistent',
"cffi ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'",
"cffi ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'",
envlist =
# Jython 2.7rc2 does work, but unfortunately has an issue running
# with Tox 1.9.2 (
# py27,py27-pure,pypy,py33,py34,pypy3,jython,coverage,docs
deps =
commands =
zope-testrunner --test-path=.
......@@ -23,7 +19,6 @@ basepython =
setenv =
usedevelop = true
......@@ -35,8 +30,6 @@ commands =
deps =
setenv =
basepython =
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