Commit 80e0c6ee authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

The python _p_activate does state management like the C version does: set to...

The python _p_activate does state management like the C version does: set to changed during jar.setstate to prevent objects that set attributes in their __setstate__ from being registered with the jar, and unconditionally mark the object as saved when finished. This fixes problems with BTrees and DB churn, among other things. Test this.
parent 245f197c
......@@ -345,7 +345,8 @@ class Persistent(object):
oga = _OGA
before = oga(self, '_Persistent__flags')
if before is None: # Only do this if we're a ghost
_OSA(self, '_Persistent__flags', 0) # up-to-date
# Begin by marking up-to-date in case we bail early
_OSA(self, '_Persistent__flags', 0)
jar = oga(self, '_Persistent__jar')
if jar is None:
......@@ -353,11 +354,24 @@ class Persistent(object):
if oid is None:
# If we're actually going to execute a set-state,
# mark as changed to prevent any recursive call
# (actually, our earlier check that we're a ghost should
# prevent this, but the C implementation sets it to changed
# while calling jar.setstate, and this is observable to clients).
# The main point of this is to prevent changes made during
# setstate from registering the object with the jar.
_OSA(self, '_Persistent__flags', CHANGED)
_OSA(self, '_Persistent__flags', before)
# If we succeed, no matter what the implementation
# of setstate did, mark ourself as up-to-date. The
# C implementation unconditionally does this.
_OSA(self, '_Persistent__flags', 0) # up-to-date
# In the C implementation, _p_invalidate winds up calling
# _p_deactivate. There are ZODB tests that depend on this;
......@@ -19,9 +19,18 @@ import sys
py_impl = getattr(platform, 'python_implementation', lambda: None)
_is_pypy3 = py_impl() == 'PyPy' and sys.version_info[0] > 2
#pylint: disable=R0904,W0212,E1101
class _Persistent_Base(object):
def _getTargetClass(self):
"""Return the type of the persistent object to test"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _makeCache(self, jar):
"""Return a new pickle cache"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _makeOne(self, *args, **kw):
return self._getTargetClass()(*args, **kw)
......@@ -31,11 +40,17 @@ class _Persistent_Base(object):
class _Jar(object):
_cache = None
# Set this to a value to have our `setstate`
# pass it through to the object's __setstate__
setstate_calls_object = None
def __init__(self):
self._loaded = []
self._registered = []
def setstate(self, obj):
if self.setstate_calls_object is not None:
def register(self, obj):
......@@ -1073,6 +1088,32 @@ class _Persistent_Base(object):
self.assertEqual(list(jar._loaded), [OID])
def test__p_activate_leaves_object_in_saved_even_if_object_mutated_self(self):
# If the object's __setstate__ set's attributes
# when called by p_activate, the state is still
# 'saved' when done. Furthemore, the object is not
# registered with the jar
class WithSetstate(self._getTargetClass()):
state = None
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.state = state
inst, jar, OID = self._makeOneWithJar(klass=WithSetstate)
inst._p_invalidate() # make it a ghost
self.assertEqual(inst._p_status, 'ghost')
jar.setstate_calls_object = 42
# It get loaded
self.assertEqual(list(jar._loaded), [OID])
# and __setstate__ got called to mutate the object
self.assertEqual(inst.state, 42)
# but it's still in the saved state
self.assertEqual(inst._p_status, 'saved')
# and it is not registered as changed by the jar
self.assertEqual(list(jar._registered), [])
def test__p_deactivate_from_unsaved(self):
inst = self._makeOne()
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