Commit 88e6fedc authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver


parent 5941598b
......@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
4.0.8 (Unreleased)
- In pure-Python ``Persistent``, calling ``_p_activate`` no longer
corrupts the state of a non-ghost object, and it doesn't throw
``POSKeyError`` if called on an object that has never been committed.
(PR #9)
- In pure-Python ``Persistent``, avoid loading state in ``_p_activate``
for non-ghost objects (which could corrupt their state). (PR #9)
- In pure-Python, and don't throw ``POSKeyError`` if ``_p_activate`` is
called on an object that has never been committed. (PR #9)
- In pure-Python ``Persistent``, avoid calling a subclass's ``__setattr__``
at instance creation time. (PR #8)
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