• Łukasz Nowak's avatar
    Use dedicated section for networkcache. · 37efda8d
    Łukasz Nowak authored
    If it is possible to use slapos.libnetworkcache check if parameter
    networkcache-section exists. If so, try to find section named by this parameter.
    Such section has two required parameters: download-cache-url and
    download-dir-url. upload-cache-url and upload-dir-url are optional parameters.
    Minimalistic profile for networkcache control looks like:
      parts =
      networkcache-section = readcache
      download-cache-url = http:///
      download-dir-url = http:///
      #upload-cache-url = http:///
      #upload-dir-url = http:///
buildout.py 66.6 KB