• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    pygolang: Pin zodbpickle in tests · 4be2a817
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Starting from nexedi/pygolang@95fd2889
    pygolang needs zodbpickle for tests. So without pinning zodbpickle
    testnodes starrted to error with
        Installing gpython-interpreter.
          Installing gpython-interpreter.
          Base installation request: 'pygolang[all_test]'
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: py; python_version >= "3" and extra == "all_test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: zodbpickle; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: wheel; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: setuptools-dso>=2.8; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: setuptools; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: pytest; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: numpy; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: ipython; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: cython<3; extra == "all-test"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: geventmp; python_version >= "3" and platform_system != "Windows"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: setuptools>=60.2; python_version >= "3"
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: setuptools-dso>=2.8
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: decorator
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: six
            Requirement of pygolang[all_test]: gevent
          Getting distribution for 'zodbpickle; extra == "all-test"'.
        Error: Picked: zodbpickle = 4.2
        The `zodbpickle` egg does not have a version pin and `allow-picked-versions = false`.
        To resolve this, add
            zodbpickle = 4.2
        to the [versions] section,
        OR set `allow-picked-versions = true`.
    /reviewed-by @jerome
    /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!1744
test.cfg 1.27 KB