Commit 30324887 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X Proper gitlab_shell_secret setup

parent 2d17ae03
......@@ -114,11 +114,16 @@ backup = ${directory:srv}/backup
# gitlab-shell: etc/ log/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etc = ${directory:etc}/gitlab-shell
log = ${directory:log}/gitlab-shell
etc = ${gitlab-shell-dir:etc}
log = ${gitlab-shell-dir:log}
secret = ${:etc}/gitlab_shell_secret
......@@ -155,6 +160,7 @@ context-extra =
template= {{ gitlab_yml_in }}
context-extra =
section gitlab gitlab
section gitlab_shell gitlab-shell
section gitlab_backend gitlab-backend
section gitlab_shell_root_shadow gitlab-shell-root-shadow
......@@ -283,19 +289,19 @@ update-command =
{{ git }} fetch software &&
{{ git }} reset --hard `cd ${:software} && {{ git }} rev-parse HEAD` &&
# NOTE there is no need to link/create .gitlab_shell_secret - we set path to it
# in gitlab & gitlab-shell configs, and gitlab creates it on its first start
<= root-shadow
software = {{ gitlab_repository_location }}
relink-command =
tune-command =
# secret* tmp/ log/
rm -f .secret .gitlab_shell_secret &&
rm -f .secret &&
rm -rf log tmp &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:etc}/secret .secret &&
touch ${gitlab-shell:etc}/gitlab_shell_secret &&
ln -sf ${gitlab-shell:etc}/gitlab_shell_secret .gitlab_shell_secret &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:log} log &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:tmp} tmp &&
# config/
......@@ -320,9 +326,8 @@ relink-command =
<= root-shadow
software = {{ gitlab_shell_repository_location }}
relink-command =
tune-command =
ln -sf ${gitlab-shell-config.yml:rendered} config.yml &&
ln -sf ${gitlab-shell:etc}/gitlab_shell_secret .gitlab_shell_secret &&
......@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ repos_path: "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
# NOTE not used in slapos version (all access via http only)
auth_file: "TODO"
# File that contains the secret key for verifying access to GitLab.
# Default is .gitlab_shell_secret in the root directory.
secret_file: "{{ gitlab_shell.secret }}"
# Redis settings used for pushing commit notices to gitlab
bin: {{ redis_bin }}/redis-cli
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ production: &base
repos_path: {{ gitlab.repositories }}
hooks_path: {{ gitlab_shell_root_shadow.location }}/hooks/
secret_file: {{ gitlab_shell.secret }}
# Git over HTTP is enabled
upload_pack: true
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