Commit 9929b7a7 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Merge remote-tracking branch 'kirrlab/y/go' into x/gitlab

parents 6d4919ad 911a8d8c
# Go language -
parts = golang
<= golang15
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
configure-command = :
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
make-binary =
make-targets= cd src && ./all.bash && cp -al .. ${:location}
environment =
<= golang-common
url =
md5sum = dfb604511115dd402a77a553a5923a04
environment-extra =
<= golang-common
url =
md5sum = 4adfbdfca523cc1c229be8a321f3602f
# go1.5 needs go1.4 too bootstrap
environment-extra =
# helloweb - programs to say hello to the Web in various languages
extends =
parts =
# repository with examples
recipe =
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
repository =
revision = 0487fa7bc88e83ce8b97d784ab11354aa8fac603
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/helloweb
# -*- python -*-
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:develop
egg = helloweb
setup = ${helloweb-repository:location}/python/
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = ${helloweb-egg:egg}
scripts = helloweb=helloweb-python
# -*- ruby -*-
# if ruby program is represented as already-released gem, we can install it
# with `gem install ...` (via rubygemsrecipe).
# Alternatively if we need to
# install the program from source-checkout, the Ruby way is to use bundler,
# install program dependencies via it, and run the program itself via it.
# Since for helloweb.rb we have source checkout - we go the second - bundler way.
# bundler, that we'll use to install gems and run binaries (via `bundle exec ...`)
# rubygemsrecipe with fixed url and this way pinned rubygems version
recipe = rubygemsrecipe
url =
ruby-location = ${ruby2.1:location}
ruby-executable = ${:ruby-location}/bin/ruby
gems = bundler==1.10.6
# bin installed here
bundle = ${buildout:bin-directory}/bundle
# install together with path to ruby enabled
# ( reason: rubygemsrecipe hardcodes PATH inside generated bin/* and it is
# impossible to adjust it later )
# bundle exec <smth> ; <smth> starts with `#!/usr/bin/env ruby` as rubygems
environment =
PATH = ${:ruby-location}/bin:%(PATH)s
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${helloweb-repository:location}/ruby/
configure-command = :
make-binary =
make-targets= cd ${:path} && ${bundler:bundle} install
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${buildout:bin-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
environment =
BUNDLE_GEMFILE = ${helloweb-ruby-bundle:path}/Gemfile
command-line =
${bundler:bundle} exec sh -c 'helloweb.rb "$@"' ${:_buildout_section_name_}
# -*- go -*-
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${helloweb-repository:location}/go/
go = ${golang15:location}/bin/go
configure-command = :
make-binary =
make-targets= cd ${:path} &&
${:go} build
-o ${buildout:bin-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
#!{{ python_executable }}
"""Simple web-server that says "Hello World" for every path
hello-web [--logfile <logfile>] <bind-ip> <bind-port> ...
import sys
import time
import argparse
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from socket import AF_INET6
class WebHello(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_response(200) # ok
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain")
print >>self.wfile, \
"Hello %s at `%s` ; %s" % (
' '.join(self.server.webhello_argv) or 'world',
self.path, time.asctime())
class HTTPServerV6(HTTPServer):
address_family = AF_INET6
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--logfile', dest='logfile')
parser.add_argument('bind_port', type=int)
parser.add_argument('argv_extra', metavar='...', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
args = parser.parse_args()
# HTTPServer logs to sys.stderr - override it if we have --logfile
if args.logfile:
f = open(args.logfile, 'a', buffering=1)
sys.stderr = f
print >>sys.stderr, '* %s Hello-Web starting at %s' % (
time.asctime(), (args.bind_ip, args.bind_port))
# TODO autodetect ipv6/ipv4
httpd = HTTPServerV6( (args.bind_ip, args.bind_port), WebHello)
httpd.webhello_argv = args.argv_extra
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
parts =
# Define egg directories to be the one from Software Release
# (/opt/slapgrid/...)
# Always the same.
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
eggs-directory = {{ buildout['eggs-directory'] }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ buildout['develop-eggs-directory'] }}
offline = true
......@@ -23,15 +21,15 @@ offline = true
# We use the slapconfiguration recipe with a few parameters (partition id,
# computer id, certificate, etc).
# It will then authenticate to SlapOS Master and fetch the instance parameters.
# The parameters are accessible from $${}
# The parameters are accessible from ${}
# Always the same. Just copy/paste.
# See docstring of slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration for more information.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
computer = $${slap_connection:computer_id}
partition = $${slap_connection:partition_id}
url = $${slap_connection:server_url}
key = $${slap_connection:key_file}
cert = $${slap_connection:cert_file}
computer = ${slap_connection:computer_id}
partition = ${slap_connection:partition_id}
url = ${slap_connection:server_url}
key = ${slap_connection:key_file}
cert = ${slap_connection:cert_file}
# Define default parameter(s) that will be used later, in case user didn't
# specify it.
......@@ -46,22 +44,22 @@ = John Doe
# Create all needed directories, depending on your needs
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
home = $${buildout:directory}
etc = $${:home}/etc
var = $${:home}/var
home = ${buildout:directory}
etc = ${:home}/etc
var = ${:home}/var
# Executables put here will be started but not monitored (for startup scripts)
script = $${:etc}/run/
script = ${:etc}/run/
# Executables put here will be started and monitored (for daemons)
service = $${:etc}/service
service = ${:etc}/service
# Executables put here will be launched after buildout has completed to see
# if instance is running
promise = $${:etc}/promise/
# Path of the log directory used by our service (see [hello-world])
log = $${:var}/log
promise = ${:etc}/promise/
# Path of the log directory used by our service (see [helloweb])
log = ${:var}/log
# Create a simple web server that says "hello <>" to the web.
# helloworld service is listening on:
# - global IPv6 address, and
# - fixed port
......@@ -69,32 +67,59 @@ log = $${:var}/log
# NOTE because every computer partition is allocated its own global IPv6
# address, it is ok to fix the port - different hello-world instances will have
# different IPv6 addresses and they all will be accessible at the same time.
ipv6 = $${instance-parameter:ipv6-random}
port = 7777
ipv6 = ${instance-parameter:ipv6-random}
# full URL - for convenience
url = http://[$${:ipv6}]:$${:port}
url = http://[${:ipv6}]:${:port}
# the service will log here
logfile = $${directory:log}/hello-world.log
logfile = ${directory:log}/helloweb-${:kind}.log
# Actual script that starts the service:
# This recipe will try to "exec" the command-line after separating parameters.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line =
${hello-web-bin:rendered} --logfile $${hello-world:logfile}
$${:ipv6} $${:port} $${}
{{ buildout['bin-directory'] }}/helloweb-${:kind} --logfile ${:logfile}
${:ipv6} ${:port} ${}
# Put this shell script in the "etc/service" directory. Each executable of this
# repository will be started and monitored by supervisord. If a service
# exits/crashes, it will trigger a "bang" and cause a re-run of the instance.
wrapper-path = $${directory:service}/hello-world
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/helloweb-${:kind}
# promise, that checks that hello-world service is alive
# promise, that checks that helloweb service is alive
recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
path = $${directory:promise}/hello-world
hostname= $${hello-world:ipv6}
port = $${hello-world:port}
path = ${directory:promise}/helloweb-${:kind}
{# macro to instantiate service of `kind` to listen on `port` #}
{% set service_list = [] %}
{% macro hellowebsrv(kind, port) %}
{% do service_list.append(kind) %}
[helloweb-{{ kind }}]
<= helloweb
kind = {{ kind }}
port = {{ port }}
[helloweb-{{ kind }}-promise]
<= helloweb-promise
kind = {{ kind }}
hostname= ${helloweb-{{ kind }}:ipv6}
port = {{ port }}
{% endmacro %}
# services instantiation
{{ hellowebsrv('python', 7777) }}
{{ hellowebsrv('ruby', 7778) }}
{{ hellowebsrv('go', 7779) }}
# register all services/promises to buildout parts
parts +=
{%- for kind in service_list %}
helloweb-{{ kind }}
helloweb-{{ kind }}-promise
{%- endfor %}
# Publish all the parameters needed for the user to connect to the instance.
......@@ -102,5 +127,7 @@ port = $${hello-world:port}
# Here we'll just echo back the entered name as instance parameter
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
name = Hello $${}!
url = $${hello-world:url}
name = Hello ${}!
{%- for kind in service_list %}
url.{{ kind }} = ${helloweb-{{ kind }}:url}
{%- endfor %}
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ extends =
# Extend here component profiles, like openssl, apache, mariadb, curl...
# Or/and extend a stack (lamp, tomcat) that does most of the work for you
# In this example we don't need anything more than python which is provided by
# above stack/slapos.cfg
# In this example we extend from helloweb component.
# ../../component/component1/buildout.cfg
# ../../component/component2/buildout.cfg
parts =
# Call installation of slapos.cookbook egg defined in stack/slapos.cfg (needed
......@@ -19,35 +19,22 @@ parts =
# instance
# "build" python program (install + correct shebang for our python)
# build helloweb programs
# Download (buildout profile used to deployment of instance),
# replace all ${foo:bar} parameters by real values, and change $${foo:bar} to
# ${foo:bar}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
rendered = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
# MD5 checksum can be skipped for development (easier to develop), but must be filled for production
md5sum = 968bea0fc81dc604a874c53648b7d13f
md5sum = 6567f8dedb5cdd93542dc29e96edb547
mode = 0644
# install hello-web with correct python_executable
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
filename = hello-web
md5sum = da4a93ff679d40c6682859476dcf4ce0
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}.in
rendered = ${buildout:bin-directory}/${:filename}
mode = 0755
# XXX python_executable should be ${${buildout:python}:executable}
# but buildout cannot support such indirection.
# in real-cases, python software is usually installed with zc.recipe.egg
# which cares about correctly specifiing python interpreter for
# entry-points automatically.
extensions =
context =
raw python_executable ${buildout:executable}
section buildout buildout
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ mode = 0644
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/template/${:filename}
md5sum = 069e593e50204b227bdb08d29d7292fd
md5sum = d294d0dafd265048399de6da8c96345f
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
filename =
download-only = true
......@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ autorestart = {{ supervisord['autorestart'] }}
stdout_logfile = {{ supervisord['no_logfile'] }}
stderr_logfile = {{ supervisord['no_logfile'] }}
directory = {{ supervisord['directory'] }}
environment = PATH="{{- supervisord['path'] -}}",MAKEFLAGS="-j{{- '%d' % builtin.max(1, (multiprocessing.cpu_count() /'cpu-usage-ratio', 4)))) -}}"
{# how many parallel build jobs to spawn when compiling software -#}
{% set njobs = builtin.max(1, (multiprocessing.cpu_count() //'cpu-usage-ratio', 4)))) -%}
environment = PATH="{{- supervisord['path'] -}}",MAKEFLAGS="-j{{ njobs }}",NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS="{{ njobs }}",BUNDLE_JOBS="{{ njobs }}"
[program:{{- supervisord['slapgrid-cp'] -}}]
command = {{ supervisord['slapgrid-cp-command'] }}
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