Commit 9dac56e8 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 7ca76b9b
......@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
{# jref_of_shared returns original reference used to request shared instance.
it is extracted from slave_reference who is composed as `partition_id`+'_'+`reference` #}
it is extracted from slave_reference which is composed as `partition_id`+'_'+`reference` #}
{%- macro jref_of_shared(slave) %}
{%- set ref = slave['slave_reference'] %}
{%- set partition_id %}{{partition_id}}{%- endset %}
{%- if ref.startswith(partition_id) %}
{%- set ref = ref[len(partition_id):] %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if ref.startswith('_') %}
{%- set ref = ref[1:] %}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref | tojson }}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- set ref = slave['slave_reference'] %}
{%- set partition_id %}{{partition_id}}{%- endset %}
{%- if ref.startswith(partition_id) %}
{%- set ref = ref[len(partition_id):] %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if ref.startswith('_') %}
{%- set ref = ref[1:] %}
{%- endif %}
{{ ref | tojson }}
{%- endmacro %}
{# XXX error(slave, msg) #}
......@@ -41,20 +41,19 @@
{# verify that there is no dangling ru_ref and ruincell_ref #} XXX + resolve those ru*_ref
{# jcell_ru_ref returns RU reference for a cell.
if the cell embeds RU definition, its reference comes as `_<cell_ref>_ru`.
return value is json-encoded to workaround jinja2 macro-ret limitation. #}
{# jcell_ru_ref returns RU reference linked from a cell.
if the cell embeds RU definition, its reference comes as `_<cell_ref>_ru`. #}
# XXX cycle protection
{%- macro jcell_ru_ref(cell) %}
{%- set ru = cell['ru'] %}
{%- if ru['ru_type'] == 'ru_ref' %}
{{ ru['ru_ref'] | tojson }}
{%- elif ru['ru_type'] == 'ruincell_ref' %}
{{ jcell_ru_ref(ru['ruincell_ref']) }}
{%- else %}
{# ru definition is embedded into cell #}
{{ J(jref_of_shared(cell))
{%- macro jcell_ru_ref(cell) %}
{%- set ru = cell['ru'] %}
{%- if ru['ru_type'] == 'ru_ref' %}
{{ ru['ru_ref'] | tojson }}
{%- elif ru['ru_type'] == 'ruincell_ref' %}
{{ jcell_ru_ref(ru['ruincell_ref']) }}
{%- else %}
{# ru definition is embedded into cell #}
{{ ('_%s_ru' % J(jref_of_shared(cell))) | tojson }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
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