Commit b4f1ccb0 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X Unicorn starts to start

parent 845fb66b
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ configuration.unicorn_worker_processes = 2
# unicorn advanced
configuration.unicorn_tcp_nopush = true
#configuration.unicorn_tcp_nopush = true not used
configuration.unicorn_backlog_socket = 1024
# nginx
configuration.nginx_client_max_body_size = 250m
......@@ -128,7 +128,9 @@ import-list =
rawfile {{ macrolib_cfg_in }}
context =
raw autogenerated # This file was autogenerated. (DO NOT EDIT - changes will be lost)
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
context-extra =
# TODO move common context parameters here (= common)
......@@ -151,7 +153,6 @@ template= {{ gitlab_yml_in }}
context-extra =
section gitlab gitlab
section gitlab_backend gitlab-backend
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
<= gitlab-etc-template
......@@ -162,20 +163,18 @@ context-extra =
<= gitlab-etc-template
template= {{ smtp_settings_rb_in }}
context-extra =
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
<= gitlab-etc-template
template = {{ rack_attack_rb_in }}
context-extra =
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
<= gitlab-etc-template
template = {{ unicorn_rb_in }}
context-extra =
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
section unicorn unicorn
section directory directory
section gitlab_root_shadow gitlab-root-shadow
<= etc-template
......@@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ rendered= ${nginx:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= nginx-etc-template
template= {{ nginx_conf_in }}
context-extra =
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
section gitlab_backend gitlab-backend
section directory directory
raw mime_types {{ mime_types }}
......@@ -195,7 +193,6 @@ context-extra =
<= nginx-etc-template
template= {{ nginx_gitlab_http_conf_in }}
context-extra =
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
section gitlab_backend gitlab-backend
section nginx nginx
section gitlab_root_shadow gitlab-root-shadow
......@@ -381,6 +378,11 @@ command-line = {{ gitlab_workhorse }}
# unicorn worker #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/unicorn
log = ${directory:log}/unicorn
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/unicorn
......@@ -3,48 +3,70 @@
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.1.0+rc1.ce.0-24-g3021ed9 XXX check)
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.1.0+rc1.ce.0-77-ge349060)
# XXX import cfg
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# What ports/sockets to listen on, and what options for them.
listen "{XXX:unicorn-host:port}", :tcp_nopush => ${instance-parameters:configuration.unicorn_tcp_nopush}
# we listen only on unix socket
listen "{{ unicorn.srv }}/unicorn.socket", :backlog => {{ cfg('unicorn_backlog_socket') }}
<%- if @working_directory %>
working_directory '<%= @working_directory %>'
<%- end %>
working_directory '{{ gitlab_root_shadow.location }}'
# What the timeout for killing busy workers is, in seconds
timeout ${instance-parameters:configuration.unicorn_worker_timeout}
timeout {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_timeout') }}
# Whether the app should be pre-loaded
preload_app true
# How many worker processes
worker_processes ${instance-parameters:configuration.unicorn_worker_processes}
# TODO (see definitions/unicorn_service.rb)
# <%- if @before_fork %>
# # What to do before we fork a worker
# before_fork do |server, worker|
# <%= @before_fork %>
# end
# <%- end %>
# <%- if @after_fork %>
# # What to do after we fork a worker
# after_fork do |server, worker|
# <%= @after_fork %>
# end
# <%- end %>
worker_processes {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_processes') }}
# about before_fork / after_fork - see:
# What to do before we fork a worker
before_fork do |server, worker|
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is highly recomended for Rails + "preload_app true"
# # as there's no need for the master process to hold a connection
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!
# This allows a new master process to incrementally
# phase out the old master process with SIGTTOU to avoid a
# thundering herd (especially in the "preload_app false" case)
# when doing a transparent upgrade. The last worker spawned
# will then kill off the old master process with a SIGQUIT.
old_pid = "#{server.config[:pid]}.oldbin"
if old_pid !=
sig = ( + 1) >= server.worker_processes ? :QUIT : :TTOU
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
# What to do after we fork a worker
after_fork do |server, worker|
# per-process listener ports for debugging/admin/migrations
# addr = "{9293 +}"
# server.listen(addr, :tries => -1, :delay => 5, :tcp_nopush => true)
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is *required* for Rails + "preload_app true",
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
# Where to drop a pidfile
pid ${XXXunicorn:var}/
pid '{{ }}/'
# Where stderr gets logged
stderr_path ${XXXunicorn:log}/unicorn_stderr.log
stderr_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stderr.log'
# Where stdout gets logged
stdout_path ${XXXunicorn:log}/unicorn_stdout.log
stdout_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stdout.log'
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