• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    X search through implied contexts and projects · 33619796
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    A user can setup associations in topydo config file and then search will
    take those associations into account. For example with
    	# X implies -> A B C ...
    	+pygolang   = +work +python +go
    	+wcfs       = +work
    	@jp         = +work
    	@jerome     = +work +zodbtools
    I can associate projects and people to "+work" label, and then use that
    label to query for work-related todo and todos not related to work:
    	$ t +work	# todo itmes related to work
    	$ t -+work	# todo items related to not-work
    this provides a bit of start for work/life balance without explictly
    marking every todo with redundant +work label or using complex queries.
TodoBase.py 8.94 KB