Commit 03e7eb88 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Change download URL.

parent 86ee782b
from distutils.core import setup
name = "Topydo",
name = "topydo",
packages = ["topydo", "topydo.lib", "topydo.cli"],
version = "0.1",
description = "A todo list application using the todo.txt format.",
author = "Bram Schoenmakers",
author_email = "",
url = "",
download_url = "",
download_url = "",
scripts = ["bin/topydo"],
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ setup(
"Topic :: Utilities",
long_description = """\
Topydo is a todo list application using the todo.txt format. It is heavily inspired by the todo.txt CLI by Gina Trapani. This tool is actually a merge between the todo.txt CLI and a number of extensions that I wrote on top of the CLI. These extensions are:
topydo is a todo list application using the todo.txt format. It is heavily inspired by the todo.txt CLI by Gina Trapani. This tool is actually a merge between the todo.txt CLI and a number of extensions that I wrote on top of the CLI. These extensions are:
* Set due and start dates;
* Custom sorting;
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