Commit 74a741d8 authored by Jacek Sowiński's avatar Jacek Sowiński

Move format parsing logic to ListFormatParser

ListFormatParser is now the core of PrettyPrinterFormatFilter, but can
also be easily used in another areas. Whole functionality of
PrettyPrinterAlignFilter was also moved into it.

Main advantage of having separate parser for list_format is possibility
of initializing it and resolving placeholders only once. Previous
implementation did that with each Todo object.
parent 8cd2a648
list_format = |%I| %x %{(}p{)} %c %S\t%K
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format02(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(80, 25)
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format03(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format04(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format05(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(80, 25)
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
| 6| x 2014-12-12 Completed but with date:2014-12-12
def test_list_format06(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format07(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class ListFormatTest(CommandTest):
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format08(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ x 2014-12-12
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format09(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ just now | in 2 days | in a day |
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format14(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(40, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x", "-F", "|%I| %x %{(}p{)} %c %s %K", "@Context1"],
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Completed but with
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format27(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(50, 25)
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ ZZ
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format35(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(5, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x", "-s", "desc:priority", "-F", "%p{ } %{ }p"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error)
......@@ -534,10 +534,10 @@ Z Z
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format36(self, mock_terminal_size):
"""Tab expands to 1 character."""
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(6, 25)
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(6, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x", "-s", "desc:priority", "-F", "%p{ } %{ }p"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error)
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ Z Z
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format37(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(5, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x", "-s", "desc:priority", "-F", " %{ }p"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error)
......@@ -595,6 +595,39 @@ Z Z
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format40(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error)
result = u"""| 1| (D) 2015-08-31 Bar @Context1 +Project2 due:2015-09-30 t:2015-09-29
| 2| (Z) 2015-11-06 Lorem ipsum dolorem sit amet. Red @fox... due:2015-11-08 lazy:bar t:2015-11-07
| 3| (C) 2015-07-12 Foo @Context2 Not@Context +Project1 Not+Project
| 4| (C) Baz @Context1 +Project1 key:value
| 5| Drink beer @ home ical:foobar id:1 p:2
| 6| x 2014-12-12 Completed but with date:2014-12-12
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
def test_list_format41(self, mock_terminal_size):
mock_terminal_size.return_value = self.terminal_size(100, 25)
command = ListCommand(["-x", "-F", "|%I| %x %{(}p{)} %c %S\\t%K"], self.todolist, self.out, self.error)
result = u"""| 1| (D) 2015-08-31 Bar @Context1 +Project2 due:2015-09-30 t:2015-09-29
| 2| (Z) 2015-11-06 Lorem ipsum dolorem sit amet. Red @fox... due:2015-11-08 lazy:bar t:2015-11-07
| 3| (C) 2015-07-12 Foo @Context2 Not@Context +Project1 Not+Project
| 4| (C) Baz @Context1 +Project1 key:value
| 5| Drink beer @ home ical:foobar id:1 p:2
| 6| x 2014-12-12 Completed but with date:2014-12-12
self.assertEqual(self.output, result)
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
from topydo.lib.Config import config
from topydo.lib.ExpressionCommand import ExpressionCommand
from topydo.lib.ListFormat import ListFormatParser
from topydo.lib.PrettyPrinter import pretty_printer_factory
from topydo.lib.PrettyPrinterFilter import (PrettyPrinterAlignFilter,
from topydo.lib.PrettyPrinterFilter import (PrettyPrinterIndentFilter,
......@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ class ListCommand(ExpressionCommand):
hidden_tags = config().hidden_tags()
filters = []
filters.append(PrettyPrinterFormatFilter(self.todolist, self.format))
self.printer = pretty_printer_factory(self.todolist, filters)
......@@ -17,6 +17,17 @@
""" Ulities for formatting output with "list_format" option."""
import arrow
import re
from six import u
from topydo.lib.Config import config
from topydo.lib.Utils import get_terminal_size
MAIN_PATTERN = (r'^({{(?P<before>.+?)}})?'
r'(?P<whitespace> *)')
def filler(p_str, p_len):
......@@ -74,3 +85,188 @@ def strip_placeholder_braces(p_matchobj):
whitespace ='whitespace') or ''
return before + '%' + placeholder + after + whitespace
def unescape_percent_sign(p_str):
""" Strips backslashes from escaped percent signs in p_str. """
unescaped_str = re.sub(r'\\%', '%', p_str)
return unescaped_str
def remove_redundant_spaces(p_str):
""" Removes spaces surrunding <TAB> character (\t) from p_str. """
clean_str = re.sub(' *\t *', '\t', p_str)
return clean_str
class ListFormatParser(object):
""" Parser of format string. """
def __init__(self, p_todolist, p_format=None):
self.format_string = re.sub(r'\\t', '\t', p_format or config().list_format())
self.todolist = p_todolist
self.one_line = False
self.line_width = get_terminal_size().columns
self.placeholders = {
# absolute creation date
'c': lambda t: t.creation_date().isoformat() if t.creation_date() else '',
# relative creation date
'C': lambda t: humanize_date(t.creation_date()) if t.creation_date() else '',
# absolute due date
'd': lambda t: t.due_date().isoformat() if t.due_date() else '',
# relative due date
'D': lambda t: humanize_date(t.due_date()) if t.due_date() else '',
# relative dates: due, start
'h': lambda t: humanize_dates(t.due_date(), t.start_date()),
# relative dates in form: creation, due, start
'H': lambda t: humanize_dates(t.due_date(), t.start_date(), t.creation_date()),
# todo ID
'i': lambda t: str(self.todolist.number(t)),
# todo ID pre-filled with 1 or 2 spaces if its length is <3
'I': lambda t: filler(str(self.todolist.number(t)), 3),
# list of tags (spaces) without hidden ones and due: and t:
'k': lambda t: ' '.join([u('{}:{}').format(tag, value)
for tag, value in sorted(t.tags()) if
tag not in config().hidden_tags() + [config().tag_start(), config().tag_due()]]),
# list of all tags (spaces)
'K': lambda t: ' '.join([u('{}:{}').format(tag, value)
for tag, value in sorted(t.tags())]),
# priority
'p': lambda t: t.priority() if t.priority() else '',
# text
's': lambda t: t.text(),
# text (truncated if necessary)
'S': lambda t: t.text(),
# absolute start date
't': lambda t: t.start_date().isoformat() if t.start_date() else '',
# relative start date
'T': lambda t: humanize_date(t.start_date()) if t.start_date() else '',
# absolute completion date
'x': lambda t: 'x ' + t.completion_date().isoformat() if t.is_completed() else '',
# relative completion date
'X': lambda t: 'x ' + humanize_date(t.completion_date()) if t.is_completed() else '',
self.format_list = self._preprocess_format()
def _preprocess_format(self):
Preprocess the format_string attribute.
Splits the format string on each placeholder and returns a list of
tuples containing substring, placeholder name, and function
retrieving content for placeholder (getter).
Relevant placeholder functions (getters) are taken from
'placeholders' attribute which is a dict. If no matching placeholder
is found in 'placeholders' getter is set to None. Getter and
placeholder are also always set to None in first element of the
returned list, because it never contain a real placeholder (read
re.split documentation for further information).
format_split = re.split(r'(?<!\\)%', self.format_string)
preprocessed_format = []
for idx, substr in enumerate(format_split):
if idx == 0:
getter = None
placeholder = None
pattern = MAIN_PATTERN.format(ph=r'\S')
placeholder = re.match(pattern, substr).group('placeholder').strip('[]')
except AttributeError:
placeholder = None
if placeholder == 'S':
self.one_line = True
getter = self.placeholders[placeholder]
except KeyError:
getter = None
substr = re.sub(pattern, '', substr)
format_elem = (substr, placeholder, getter)
return preprocessed_format
def truncate(self, p_str, p_repl):
Returns p_str with truncated and ended with '...' version of p_repl.
Place of the truncation is calculated depending on 'line_width'
text_lim = self.line_width - len(p_str) - 4
truncated_str = re.sub(re.escape(p_repl), p_repl[:text_lim] + '...', p_str)
return truncated_str
def right_align(self, p_str):
Returns p_str with content after <TAB> character aligned right.
Right alignment is done using proper number of spaces calculated from
'line_width' attribute.
to_fill = self.line_width - len(p_str)
if to_fill > 0:
p_str = re.sub('\t', ' '*to_fill, p_str)
p_str = re.sub('\t', ' ', p_str)
return p_str
def parse(self, p_todo):
Returns fully parsed string from 'format_string' attribute with all
placeholders properly substituted by content obtained from p_todo.
It uses preprocessed form of 'format_string' (result of
ListFormatParser._preprocess_format) stored in 'format_list'
parsed_list = []
repl_S = None
for substr, placeholder, getter in self.format_list:
repl = getter(p_todo) if getter else ''
pattern = MAIN_PATTERN.format(ph=placeholder)
if placeholder == 'S':
repl_S = repl
if repl == '':
substr = re.sub(pattern, '', substr)
substr = re.sub(pattern, strip_placeholder_braces, substr)
substr = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)%({ph}|\[{ph}\])'.format(ph=placeholder), repl, substr)
parsed_str = unescape_percent_sign(''.join(parsed_list))
parsed_str = remove_redundant_spaces(parsed_str)
if self.one_line and len(parsed_str) >= self.line_width:
parsed_str = self.truncate(parsed_str, repl_S)
if'.*\t', parsed_str):
parsed_str = self.right_align(parsed_str)
return parsed_str.rstrip()
......@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ from six import u
from topydo.lib.Colors import NEUTRAL_COLOR, Colors
from topydo.lib.Config import config
from topydo.lib.ListFormat import (filler, humanize_date, humanize_dates,
from topydo.lib.ListFormat import ListFormatParser
from topydo.lib.Utils import get_terminal_size
......@@ -118,133 +117,9 @@ class PrettyPrinterNumbers(PrettyPrinterFilter):
class PrettyPrinterFormatFilter(PrettyPrinterFilter):
def __init__(self, p_todolist, p_format=None):
super(PrettyPrinterFormatFilter, self).__init__()
self.todolist = p_todolist
self.format = p_format or config().list_format()
self.parser = ListFormatParser(p_todolist, p_format)
def filter(self, p_todo_str, p_todo):
placeholders = OrderedDict()
# absolute creation date
placeholders['c'] = lambda t: t.creation_date().isoformat() if t.creation_date() else ''
# relative creation date
placeholders['C'] = lambda t: humanize_date(t.creation_date()) if t.creation_date() else ''
# absolute due date
placeholders['d'] = lambda t: t.due_date().isoformat() if t.due_date() else ''
# relative due date
placeholders['D'] = lambda t: humanize_date(t.due_date()) if t.due_date() else ''
# relative dates: due, start
placeholders['h'] = lambda t: humanize_dates(t.due_date(), t.start_date())
# relative dates in form: creation, due, start
placeholders['H'] = lambda t: humanize_dates(t.due_date(), t.start_date(), t.creation_date())
# todo ID
placeholders['i'] = lambda t: str(self.todolist.number(t))
# todo ID pre-filled with 1 or 2 spaces if its length is <3
placeholders['I'] = lambda t: filler(str(self.todolist.number(t)), 3)
# list of tags (spaces) without hidden ones and due: and t:
placeholders['k'] = lambda t: ' '.join([u('{}:{}').format(tag, value)
for tag, value in sorted(p_todo.tags()) if
tag not in config().hidden_tags() + [config().tag_start(), config().tag_due()]])
# list of all tags (spaces)
placeholders['K'] = lambda t: ' '.join([u('{}:{}').format(tag, value)
for tag, value in sorted(p_todo.tags())])
# priority
placeholders['p'] = lambda t: t.priority() if t.priority() else ''
# text
placeholders['s'] = lambda t: t.text()
# absolute start date
placeholders['t'] = lambda t: t.start_date().isoformat() if t.start_date() else ''
# relative start date
placeholders['T'] = lambda t: humanize_date(t.start_date()) if t.start_date() else ''
# absolute completion date
placeholders['x'] = lambda t: 'x ' + t.completion_date().isoformat() if t.is_completed() else ''
# relative completion date
placeholders['X'] = lambda t: 'x ' + humanize_date(t.completion_date()) if t.is_completed() else ''
# text (truncated if necessary)
placeholders['S'] = lambda t: t.text()
p_todo_str = re.sub(r'\\t', '\t', self.format)
p_todo_str_list = re.split(r'(?<!\\)%', p_todo_str)
main_pattern = (r'^({{(?P<before>.+?)}})?'
r'(?P<whitespace> *)')
truncate = False
for index, substr in enumerate(p_todo_str_list):
if index == 0:
continue # first item in p_todo_str_list is surely not a placeholder
if not re.match(main_pattern.format(ph='['+''.join(placeholders.keys()) + ']'), substr):
substr = re.sub(main_pattern.format(ph='.'), '', substr) # remove nonexistent placeholder
p_todo_str_list[index] = substr
for placeholder, getter in placeholders.items():
repl = getter(p_todo)
pattern = main_pattern.format(ph=placeholder)
match = re.match(pattern, substr)
if match:
if repl == '':
substr = re.sub(pattern, '', substr)
substr = re.sub(pattern, strip_placeholder_braces, substr)
substr = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)%({ph}|\[{ph}\])'.format(ph=placeholder), repl, substr)
if placeholder == 'S':
truncate = True
repl_S = repl # copy for truncating final p_todo_str
p_todo_str_list[index] = substr
p_todo_str = ''.join(p_todo_str_list)
p_todo_str = re.sub(r'\\%', '%', p_todo_str)
p_todo_str = re.sub(' *\t *', '\t', p_todo_str)
if truncate:
line_width = get_terminal_size().columns
if len(p_todo_str) >= line_width:
text_lim = line_width - len(p_todo_str) - 4
p_todo_str = re.sub(re.escape(repl_S), repl_S[:text_lim] + '...', p_todo_str)
# cut trailing space left when last placeholder in p_todo_str is empty and its predecessor is not
return p_todo_str.rstrip()
class PrettyPrinterAlignFilter(PrettyPrinterFilter):
Final make-up for todo item line.
Currently it only provides right alignment from place specified in
list_format config-option (subsitutes tab-character with as many spaces as
it is needed to fill the whole line).
def __init__(self):
super(PrettyPrinterAlignFilter, self).__init__()
def filter(self, p_todo_str, _):
tab ='.*\t', p_todo_str)
if tab:
line_width = get_terminal_size().columns
to_fill = line_width - len(p_todo_str)
if to_fill > 0:
p_todo_str = re.sub('\t', ' '*to_fill, p_todo_str)
p_todo_str = re.sub('\t', ' ', p_todo_str)
p_todo_str = self.parser.parse(p_todo)
return p_todo_str
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