Commit ad854716 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Store tags as a dictionary

Store tags in a dictionary where the key is the tag name and the value
is a list of values for that tag.

This makes tag operations much quicker (especially TodoBase::has_tag()
and TodoBase::tag_values()). They made quite a dent in execution time
with heavy todo.txt files with many tags, due to the numerous list
comprehensions that took place.
parent 089c3f05
......@@ -48,17 +48,20 @@ class TodoBase(object):
Returns a tag value associated with p_key. Returns p_default if p_key
does not exist (which defaults to None).
values = self.tag_values(p_key)
return values[0] if len(values) else p_default
return self.tag_values(p_key)[0]
except IndexError:
return p_default
def tag_values(self, p_key):
Returns a list of all tag values associated with p_key. Returns
empty list if p_key does not exist.
tags = self.fields['tags']
matches = [tag[1] for tag in tags if tag[0] == p_key]
return matches if len(matches) else []
return self.fields['tags'][p_key]
except KeyError:
return []
def has_tag(self, p_key, p_value=""):
......@@ -66,14 +69,28 @@ class TodoBase(object):
value is passed, it will only return true when there exists a tag with
the given key-value combination.
result = [t for t in self.tag_values(p_key)
if p_value == "" or t == p_value]
return len(result) > 0
tags = self.fields['tags']
return p_key in tags and (p_value == "" or p_value in tags[p_key])
def add_tag(self, p_key, p_value):
""" Adds a tag to the todo. """
self.set_tag(p_key, p_value, True)
def _remove_tag_helper(self, p_key, p_value):
Removes a tag from the internal todo dictionary. Only those instances
with the given value are removed. If the value is empty, all tags with
the given key are removed.
tags = self.fields['tags']
tags[p_key] = [t for t in tags[p_key] if p_value != "" and t != p_value]
if len(tags[p_key]) == 0:
del tags[p_key]
except KeyError:
def set_tag(self, p_key, p_value="", p_force_add=False, p_old_value=""):
Sets a occurrence of the tag identified by p_key. Sets an arbitrary
......@@ -92,12 +109,11 @@ class TodoBase(object):
self.remove_tag(p_key, p_old_value)
tags = self.fields['tags']
value = p_old_value if p_old_value else self.tag_value(p_key)
if not p_force_add and value:
# remove old value from the tags
self.fields['tags'] = [t for t in self.fields['tags']
if not (t[0] == p_key and t[1] == value)]
self._remove_tag_helper(p_key, value)
self.src = re.sub(
r'\b' + p_key + ':' + value + r'\b',
......@@ -107,7 +123,10 @@ class TodoBase(object):
self.src += ' ' + p_key + ':' + p_value
self.fields['tags'].append((p_key, p_value))
except KeyError:
tags[p_key] = [p_value]
def remove_tag(self, p_key, p_value=""):
......@@ -116,12 +135,7 @@ class TodoBase(object):
Else, only those tags with the value will be removed.
# Build a new list that excludes the specified tag, match by value when
# p_value is given.
self.fields['tags'] = [t for t in self.fields['tags']
if not (t[0] == p_key and (p_value == "" or
t[1] == p_value))]
self._remove_tag_helper(p_key, p_value)
# when value == "", match any value having key p_key
value = p_value if p_value != "" else r'\S+'
......@@ -132,7 +146,8 @@ class TodoBase(object):
Returns a list of tuples with key-value pairs representing tags in
this todo item.
return self.fields['tags']
tags = self.fields['tags']
return [(t, v) for t in tags for v in tags[t]]
def set_priority(self, p_priority):
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ _NORMAL_HEAD_MATCH = re.compile(
r'(\((?P<priority>[A-Z])\) )?' + '((?P<creationDate>' + _DATE_MATCH +
') )?(?P<rest>.*)')
_TAG_MATCH = re.compile('(?P<key>[^:]+):(?P<value>.+)')
_TAG_MATCH = re.compile('(?P<tag>[^:]+):(?P<value>.+)')
_PROJECT_MATCH = re.compile(r'\+(\S*\w)')
_CONTEXT_MATCH = re.compile(r'@(\S*\w)')
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def parse_line(p_string):
'text': "",
'projects': [],
'contexts': [],
'tags': []
'tags': {},
completed_head = _COMPLETED_HEAD_MATCH.match(p_string)
......@@ -94,10 +94,14 @@ def parse_line(p_string):
tag = _TAG_MATCH.match(word)
if tag:
result['text'] += word + ' '
tag_name ='tag')
tag_value ='value')
except KeyError:
result['tags'][tag_name] = [tag_value]
result['text'] += word + ' '
# strip trailing space from resulting text
result['text'] = result['text'][:-1]
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