Commit bbdfb2a5 authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Move conditional dependencies to install_requires

Installing from the source distribution (sdist), ushlex and
shutil_get_terminal_size were not installed. Putting the condition in
install_requires addresses this.
parent 34db612b
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ def find_version(*file_paths):
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.")
_PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info
_IS_PYTHON_27 = _PYTHON_VERSION.major == 2 and _PYTHON_VERSION.minor == 7
name = "topydo",
......@@ -32,15 +34,12 @@ setup(
install_requires = [
'six >= 1.9.0',
'arrow >= 0.7.0',
'colorama >= 0.2.5' if sys.platform == "win32" else '',
# shutil.get_terminal_size() was introduced in Python 3.3
'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size>=1.0.0' if _IS_PYTHON_27 else '',
'ushlex' if _IS_PYTHON_27 else ''
extras_require = {
':sys_platform=="win32"': ['colorama>=0.2.5'],
# shutil.get_terminal_size() was introduced in Python 3.3
':python_version=="2.7"': [
':python_version=="3.2"': ['backports.shutil_get_terminal_size>=1.0.0'],
'ical': ['icalendar'],
'prompt-toolkit': ['prompt-toolkit >= 0.53'],
'test': ['coverage', 'freezegun', 'green', ],
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