Commit c9873a5a authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Add view method.

parent 7704cebf
A list of todo items.
class TodoList(object):
Provides operations for a todo list, such as adding items, removing them,
The list is usually a complete list found in the program's input (e.g. a
todo.txt file), not an arbitrary set of todo items.
_todos = []
def __init__(self, todos):
Should be given a list of Todo objects (already read and parsed from
file or standard input.
self._todos = todos
def todo(self, p_number):
The _todos list has the same order as in the backend store (usually
a todo.txt file. The user refers to the first task as number 1, so use
index 0, etc.
result = None
result = self._todos[p_number - 1]
except IndexError:
result = None
return result
def todos(self):
""" Returns the list of all todos. """
return self._todos
def add(self, p_item):
Given a Todo(Base) item, add it to the end of the list.
def delete(self, p_number):
""" Deletes a todo item from the list. """
del self._todos[p_number - 1]
def append(self, p_number, p_string):
Appends a text to the todo, specified by its number.
The todo will be parsed again, such that tags and projects in de
appended string are processed.
if len(p_string) > 0:
todo = self.todo(p_number)
new_text = todo.text() + ' ' + p_string
def set_completed(self, p_number):
""" Marks the todo with the given number as complete. """
def projects(self):
""" Returns a set of all projects in this list. """
result = set()
for todo in self._todos:
projects = todo.projects()
result = result.union(projects)
def contexts(self):
""" Returns a set of all contexts in this list. """
result = set()
for todo in self._todos:
contexts = todo.contexts()
result = result.union(contexts)
def set_priority(self, p_number, p_priority):
""" Sets the priority of the todo with the given number. """
def view(self, p_sorter, p_filter):
Constructs a view of the todo list.
A view is a sorted and filtered todo list, where the properties are
defined by the end user. Todos is this list should not be modified,
modifications should occur through this class.
return p_filter.filter(p_sorter.sort(self._todos))
def __print__(self):
result = ""
for todo in self._todos:
result = "%s" % todo
return result
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