1. 17 May, 2015 2 commits
    • Bram Schoenmakers's avatar
      Various Unicode improvements. · c1db7181
      Bram Schoenmakers authored
      * Convert command line arguments from UTF-8 to Unicode right away. All
        Command classes should expect Unicode strings as arguments.
      * Add test case for special characters for the 'ls' subcommand. Other
        commands are still likely to be broken.
    • Bram Schoenmakers's avatar
      Require at least six-1.9. · 06538619
      Bram Schoenmakers authored
      python_2_unicode_compatible is broken in six-1.8 (which comes with
      Debian) when imported in Python 3.
  2. 16 May, 2015 11 commits
  3. 15 May, 2015 13 commits
  4. 05 May, 2015 14 commits