• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    t/qemu-runlinux: Update · fe541453
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Continuing 76d8f76d (Script to run compiled linux kernel with root fs
    mounted from host) update the script to run/debug linux inside QEMU:
    - teach it to run specified program + args, instead of hardcoded /bin/sh;
    - before tailing to user program, builtin init mounts /proc, /sys, ...
      inside - previously it was /proc, /sys from host seen on those
      mountpoints and it was very misleading - e.g. ps was showing processes
      from host, not inside, etc.
    - builtin init also cares to run specified program with the same current
      directory that was current on host, and environments such as $HOME,
      $PATH, $TERM, ... are also propagated.
    - allow to optionally run QEMU with graphics, instead of stdout only;
    - increase available RAM from 128M to 512M (with 128M running py.test
      inside is failing with fork: not enough memory).
    This updated version was useful to debug WCFS(*) & FUSE issues by running
    	kirr@deco:~/src/wendelin/wendelin.core/wcfs$ ../t/qemu-runlinux ~/src/linux/linux/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage py.test -vsx -k test_wcfs
    See https://marc.info/?l=linux-fsdevel&m=155000277921155&w=2 for details.
    (*) WCFS is still being draft and worked on t branch.
qemu-runlinux 4.31 KB