Commit 1dcd1f61 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 96c28df2
......@@ -532,13 +532,13 @@ func (rs rangeSplit) Get(k Key) *nodeInRange { // XXX -> Get_ -> rn, ok
// rnode must be initially in *prs.
// rnode.node must be tree.
// rnode.node must be aleady activated.
func (prs *rangeCover) Expand(rnode *nodeInRange) []*nodeInRange {
func (prs *rangeSplit) Expand(rnode *nodeInRange) []*nodeInRange {
rs := *prs
i := sort.Search(len(rs), func(i int) bool {
return rnode.hi_ <= rs[i].hi_
if i == len(rs) || rs[i] != rnode {
panicf("%s not in rangeCover", rnode)
panicf("%s not in rangeSplit", rnode)
// [i].Key ≤ [i].Child.*.Key < [i+1].Key i ∈ [0, len([]))
......@@ -566,9 +566,9 @@ func (prs *rangeCover) Expand(rnode *nodeInRange) []*nodeInRange {
return children
func (rc rangeCover) String() string {
func (rs rangeSplit) String() string {
s := ""
for _, rn := range rc {
for _, rn := range rs {
if s != "" {
s += " "
......@@ -698,14 +698,14 @@ func diffT(ctx context.Context, a, b *Tree, δZTC SetOid, trackIdx map[zodb.Oid]
δ = map[Key]ΔValue{}
defer fmt.Printf(" -> δt: %v\n", δ)
var av rangeCover
var bv rangeCover
var av rangeSplit
var bv rangeSplit
// initial phase: expand changed nodes in a till buckets
// XXX maybe walk till a from root to get more precise initial range?
if a != nil {
atop := &nodeInRange{lo: KeyMin, hi_: KeyMax, node: a} // [-∞, ∞)
av = rangeCover{atop}
av = rangeSplit{atop}
aq := []*nodeInRange{atop} // stack
for len(aq) > 0 {
l := len(aq)
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