Commit 4f707117 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X test that shows problem of SliceByRootRev where untracked blocks are not...

X test that shows problem of SliceByRootRev where untracked blocks are not added uniformly into whole history

=== RUN   TestΔFtailSliceXXX
2021/08/05 18:07:35 zodb: FIXME: open /tmp/TestΔFtailSliceXXX2265944622/001/1.fs: raw cache is not ready for invalidations -> NoCache forced
    δftail_test.go:689: slice (@at0,@at2]:
        have: [@at1·{0 1}S @at2·{1}S]
        want: [@at1·{0 1}S @at2·{0 1}S]
parent 8b190e24
......@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ func testΔFtail(t_ *testing.T, testq chan ΔFTestEntry) {
// load zfile via root['treegen/file']
txn, ctx := transaction.New(context.Background())
defer func() {
zconn, err := t.DB.Open(ctx, &zodb.ConnOptions{At: t.Head().At, NoPool: true}); X(err)
xzroot, err := zconn.Get(ctx, 0); X(err)
zroot := xzroot.(*zodb.Map)
......@@ -601,6 +604,92 @@ func testΔFtail(t_ *testing.T, testq chan ΔFTestEntry) {
// TestΔFtailXXX XXX.
func TestΔFtailSliceXXX(t_ *testing.T) {
t := xbtreetest.NewT(t_)
X := exc.Raiseif
xat := map[zodb.Tid]string{}
at0 := t.Head().At
xat[at0] = "at0"
δFtail := NewΔFtail(at0, t.DB)
t1 := t.CommitTree("T/B0:a,1:b")
xat[t1.At] = "at1"
δF, err := δFtail.Update(t1.ΔZ); X(err)
// XXX assert δF == ø
_ = δF
// load zfile via root['treegen/file']
// XXX dup
txn, ctx := transaction.New(context.Background())
defer func() {
zconn, err := t.DB.Open(ctx, &zodb.ConnOptions{At: t.Head().At, NoPool: true}); X(err)
xzroot, err := zconn.Get(ctx, 0); X(err)
zroot := xzroot.(*zodb.Map)
err = zroot.PActivate(ctx); X(err)
zfile := zroot.Data["treegen/file"].(*ZBigFile)
// foid := zfile.POid()
err = zfile.PActivate(ctx); X(err)
// blksize := zfile.blksize
blktabOid := zfile.blktab.POid()
if blktabOid != t.Root() {
t.Fatalf("BUG: zfile.blktab (%s) != treeroot (%s)", blktabOid, t.Root())
// XXX dup
xtrackBlk := func(blk int64) {
_, path, zblk, _, err := zfile.LoadBlk(ctx, blk); X(err)
δFtail.Track(zfile, blk, path, zblk)
// δfstr/vδfstr converts δf/vδf to string taking xat into account
// XXX dup
δfstr := func(δf *ΔFile) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("@%s·%s", xat[δf.Rev], δf.Blocks)
if δf.Epoch {
s += "E"
if δf.Size {
s += "S"
return s
vδfstr := func(vδf []*ΔFile) string {
var s []string
for _, δf := range vδf {
s = append(s, δfstr(δf))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", s)
// XXX explain
t2 := t.CommitTree("t0:a,1:c Da:aa,b:b,c:c") // 1 -b+c, δa
xat[t2.At] = "at2"
δF, err = δFtail.Update(t2.ΔZ); X(err)
lo := at0
hi := t2.At
vδf := δFtail.SliceByFileRev(zfile, lo, hi)
_01 := setI64{}; _01.Add(0); _01.Add(1)
vδf_ok := []*ΔFile{
&ΔFile{Rev: t1.At, Blocks: _01, Size: true},
&ΔFile{Rev: t2.At, Blocks: _01, Size: true},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(vδf, vδf_ok) {
t.Errorf("slice (@%s,@%s]:\nhave: %v\nwant: %v", xat[lo], xat[hi], vδfstr(vδf), vδfstr(vδf_ok))
// dataTabTxt returns string representation of {} dataTab.
func dataTabTxt(dataTab map[string]string) string {
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