Commit 620db0a4 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 7a03cf08
......@@ -85,3 +85,13 @@ def test_deactivate_btree():
for obj in [B] + leafv:
assert obj._p_state == GHOST
assert obj not in cached
def test_zconn_at():
# TODO commit -> know head -> open conn1,
# open conn2, commit there; wait or sync, make sure zconn_at(conn1) is as expected
# TODO zconn_at for historic connection
zconn.db._storage always provide IMVCCStorage - either raw storage provides it,
zconn.db._storage always provides IMVCCStorage - either raw storage provides it,
or DB wraps raw storage with MVCCAdapter.
MVCCAdapter in turn uses either MVCCAdapterInstance (current) or
......@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ RelStorage is IMVCCStorage - TODO: how to extract at.
TODO /_txn_time in
.before !None for historic connections
._txn_time - if !None - set to tid of _next_ transaction
XXX set to None initially - what to do?
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