Commit 6fb9e716 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 76499288
......@@ -1020,13 +1020,13 @@ func δMerge(δ, δ2 map[Key]ΔValue) error {
case δv1.Old == VDEL && δv1.New == VDEL: // δv1 == hole
δv = δv2
// ø -> x
// ø -> x -> y->x
// y -> ø
case δv2.New == VDEL:
δv.Old = δv2.Old
δv.New = δv1.New
// x -> ø
// x -> ø -> x->y
// ø -> y
δv.Old = δv1.Old
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