Commit acb8f52c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 01916f09
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ $WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART=no is specified in environment.
Conn represents connection to wcfs server obtained by join.
FileH ... XXX
import os, sys, hashlib, tempfile, subprocess, time
......@@ -178,8 +181,12 @@ def join(zurl, autostart=_default_autostart(), shared=False):
# start wcfs with telling it to automatically exit when there is no client activity.
# XXX extra opts -> join args -> test + -v=1 if running py.test -v
# XXX ^^^ check log level?
optv_extra = os.environ.get("WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_OPTIONS", "").split()
return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", *optv_extra)
#return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", '-d', '-alsologtostderr', '-v=1')
#return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", '-d', '-alsologtostderr', '-v=1')
return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", '-alsologtostderr')
#return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", '-alsologtostderr')
# _start starts wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
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