Commit f0453574 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent ed81f1bb
......@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@ func (tidx trackIndex) verify() {
// Update tidx with trees subsets from tidx2.
func (tidx trackIndex) Update(tidx2 trackIndex) {
fmt.Printf("tidx: %s\n", tidx)
fmt.Printf("tidx2: %s\n", tidx2)
//fmt.Printf("tidx: %s\n", tidx)
//fmt.Printf("tidx2: %s\n", tidx2)
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ func (kadj KAdjMatrix) Map(keys SetKey) SetKey {
for k := range keys {
to, ok := kadj[k]
if !ok {
panicf("%d ∉ kadj\n\nkadj: %v", k, kadj)
panicf("kadj.Map: %d ∉ kadj\n\nkadj: %v", k, kadj)
......@@ -562,12 +562,27 @@ func (kadj KAdjMatrix) Map(keys SetKey) SetKey {
// KAdj computes adjacency matrix for t1 -> t2 transition.
// The set of keys for which kadj matrix is computed can be optionally provided.
// This set of keys defaults to allTestKeys(t1,t2).
// KAdj itself is verified by testΔBTail on entries with .kadjOK set.
func KAdj(t1, t2 *tTreeCommit) (kadj KAdjMatrix) {
func KAdj(t1, t2 *tTreeCommit, keysv ...SetKey) (kadj KAdjMatrix) {
var keys SetKey
switch len(keysv) {
case 0:
keys = allTestKeys(t1, t2)
case 1:
keys = keysv[0]
panic("multiple key sets on the call")
// kadj = {} k -> adjacent keys.
// if k is tracked -> changes to adjacents must be in Update(t1->t2).
kadj = KAdjMatrix{}
for k := range allTestKeys(t1, t2) {
for k := range keys {
adj1 := SetKey{}
adj2 := SetKey{}
......@@ -849,8 +864,8 @@ func xverifyΔBTail_rebuild(t *testing.T, db *zodb.DB, treeRoot zodb.Oid, t0, t1
_ = d01
_ = d12
kadj01 := KAdj(t0,t1) // FIXME for all keys from t0,t1,t2
kadj12 := KAdj(t1,t2) // FIXME for all keys from t0,t1,t2
kadj01 := KAdj(t0,t1, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
kadj12 := KAdj(t1,t2, allTestKeys(t0,t1,t2))
_ = kadj01
_ = kadj12
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