Commit f6780aaa authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 8bbd4088
......@@ -22,11 +22,104 @@ package blib
//go:generate ./gen-rangemap _RangedMap_str string zrangemap_str.go
import (
func TestRangeMap(t *testing.T) {
func TestRangedMap(t *testing.T) {
type RangedMap = _RangedMap_str
type RangedMapEntry = _RangedMap_strEntry
type testEntry struct {
A *RangedMap
B KeyRange
Set *RangedMap // A.SetRange(B, x)
Del *RangedMap // A.DelRange(B)
Has bool // A.HasRange(B)
// XXX Get?
E := func(A *RangedMap, B KeyRange, S, D *RangedMap, H bool) testEntry {
return testEntry{A, B, S, D, H}
// M is shorthand to create RangedMap, e.g. M(1,2,"a", 3,4,"b") will return {[1,2):"a" [3,4):"b"}.
M := func(argv ...interface{}) *RangedMap {
l := len(argv)
if l % 3 != 0 {
panic("non 3x number of arguments")
// askey converts arg to Key
asKey := func(arg interface{}) Key {
// go through reflect to accept all int, int64, Key, ...
return Key(reflect.ValueOf(arg).Int())
M := &RangedMap{}
for i := 0; i < l/3; i++ {
// construct .entryv directly, not via SetRange
lo := asKey(argv[3*i])
hi := asKey(argv[3*i+1])
v := argv[3*i+2].(string)
hi_ := hi
if hi_ != oo {
M.entryv = append(M.entryv, RangedMapEntry{
KeyRange{lo, hi_},
return M
// K is alias for KeyRange
type K = KeyRange
// y, n alias true/false
const y, n = true, false
// a, b, c, d ... are shorthands for corresponding strings
const a, b, c, d, x = "a", "b", "c", "d", "x"
// XXX SetRange:
// - coalesce (value same)
// - shrink left/right (value !same) + new entry
testv := []testEntry{
M(1,2,a, 2,3,b), // A
K{1,3}, // B
M(1,3,x), // Set
M(), // Del
y), // Has
for _, tt := range testv {
A := tt.A
B := tt.B
has := A.HasRange(B)
Aset := A.Clone()
Adel := A.Clone()
Aset.SetRange(B, x)
if !(has == tt.Has) {
t.Errorf("HasRange:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->·: %t\n ok·: %t\n", A, B, has, tt.Has)
if !Aset.Equal(tt.Set) {
t.Errorf("SetRange:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->·: %s\n ok·: %s\n", A, RangedMapEntry{x,B}, Aset, tt.Set)
if !Adel.Equal(tt.Del) {
t.Errorf("DelRange:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->·: %s\n ok·: %s\n", A, B, Adel, tt.Del)
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func TestRangedKeySetTypes(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("sizeof(void) = %d ; want 0", sizeVoid)
// verify sizeof(set-entry) = sizeof(KeyRange)
// verify that sizeof(set-entry) = sizeof(KeyRange)
// NOTE for this to be true Value needs to come first in RangedMapEntry
// (see
sizeKeyRange := unsafe.Sizeof(KeyRange{})
......@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ func TestRangedKeySetTypes(t *testing.T) {
func TestRangedKeySet(t *testing.T) {
const (
oo = KeyMax
noo = KeyMin
const (
oo = KeyMax
noo = KeyMin
func TestRangedKeySet(t *testing.T) {
type testEntry struct {
A, B *RangedKeySet
Union *RangedKeySet
......@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ func TestRangedKeySet(t *testing.T) {
D := A.Difference(B)
if !U.Equal(tt.Union) {
t.Errorf("Union:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->u: %s\n okU: %s\n", tt.A, tt.B, U, tt.Union)
t.Errorf("Union:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->u: %s\n okU: %s\n", A, B, U, tt.Union)
if !D.Equal(tt.Difference) {
t.Errorf("Difference:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->d: %s\n okD: %s\n", tt.A, tt.B, D, tt.Difference)
t.Errorf("Difference:\n A: %s\n B: %s\n ->d: %s\n okD: %s\n", A, B, D, tt.Difference)
// HasRange
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