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Commit 3a35162b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

kpi: Establish data model for DRB.IPLatDl and DRB.UEActive

3GPP says that this values are averages over collected samples and over
observed time period. But if we are to follow 3GPP as-is there is a problem how
to aggregate two Measurements corresponding to two different periods into one
bigger Mesurement that corresponds to combined time period.

-> Solve that by introducing "statistical profile" types and use them for DRB.IPLatDl and DRB.UEActive;
-> Teach Calc.aggregate to aggregate such statistical profiles via corresponding math.

See individual patches for details.

/reviewed-by @paul.graydon
/reviewed-on kirr/xlte!9
parents 7164e99c 6d2694d8
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"source": [
"Let's now look at <u>raw counters</u>.\n",
"Each Measurement comes with counters measured during particular interval. To get total values we need to aggregate them throughout all observation time via `Calc.sum`. Let's use already-loaded MeasurementLog data to showcase this:"
"Each Measurement comes with counters measured during particular interval. To get total values we need to aggregate them throughout all observation time via `Calc.aggregate`. Let's use already-loaded MeasurementLog data to showcase this:"
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
"mhead =[0]\n",
"mtail =[-1]\n",
"calc_total = kpi.Calc(mlog, mhead['X.Tstart'], mtail['X.Tstart']+mtail['X.δT'])\n",
"Σ = calc_total.sum()"
"Σ = calc_total.aggregate()"
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def main():
mhead =[0]
mtail =[-1]
calc_total = kpi.Calc(mlog, mhead['X.Tstart'], mtail['X.Tstart']+mtail['X.δT'])
Σ = calc_total.sum()
Σ = calc_total.aggregate()
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from xlte.kpi import Calc, MeasurementLog, Measurement, Interval, NA, isNA, Σqci, Σcause, nqci
from xlte.kpi import Calc, MeasurementLog, Measurement, ΣMeasurement, Interval, \
Stat, StatT, NA, isNA, Σqci, Σcause, nqci
import numpy as np
from pytest import raises
ms = 1e-3
def test_Measurement():
m = Measurement()
......@@ -43,6 +46,8 @@ def test_Measurement():
_('DRB.IPVolDl.sum') # int64
_('DRB.IPTimeDl.7') # .QCI alias
_('DRB.IPTimeDl.QCI') # .QCI array
_('DRB.IPLatDl.7') # .QCI alias to Stat
_('DRB.IPLatDl.QCI') # .QCI array of Stat
# everything automatically
for name in m.dtype.names:
......@@ -53,6 +58,12 @@ def test_Measurement():
assert m['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt'] == 123
m['RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum'] = 17
assert m['RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum'] == 17
m['DRB.UEActive']['min'] = 1
m['DRB.UEActive']['avg'] = 6
m['DRB.UEActive']['max'] = 8
assert m['DRB.UEActive']['min'] == 1
assert m['DRB.UEActive']['avg'] == 6
assert m['DRB.UEActive']['max'] == 8
m['DRB.IPVolDl.QCI'][:] = 0
m['DRB.IPVolDl.5'] = 55
m['DRB.IPVolDl.7'] = NA(m['DRB.IPVolDl.7'].dtype)
......@@ -65,17 +76,32 @@ def test_Measurement():
assert m['DRB.IPVolDl.%d' % k] == 0
assert m['DRB.IPVolDl.QCI'][k] == 0
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][:]['avg'] = 0
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][:]['min'] = 0
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][:]['max'] = 0
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][:]['n'] = 0
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][3]['avg'] = 33
m['DRB.IPLatDl.QCI'][3]['n'] = 123
m['DRB.IPLatDl.4']['avg'] = 44
m['DRB.IPLatDl.4']['n'] = 432
m['DRB.IPLatDl.8']['avg'] = NA(m['DRB.IPLatDl.8']['avg'].dtype)
m['DRB.IPLatDl.8']['n'] = NA(m['DRB.IPLatDl.8']['n'] .dtype)
# str/repr
assert repr(m) == "Measurement(RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum=17, DRB.IPVolDl.QCI={5:55 7:ø 9:99}, S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt=123)"
assert repr(m) == "Measurement(RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum=17, DRB.UEActive=<1 6.0 8>, DRB.IPLatDl.QCI={3:<0.0 33.0 0.0>·123 4:<0.0 44.0 0.0>·432 8:<0.0 ø 0.0>·ø}, DRB.IPVolDl.QCI={5:55 7:ø 9:99}, S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt=123)"
assert repr(m['DRB.UEActive']) == "StatT(1, 6.0, 8, dtype=int32)"
assert repr(m['DRB.IPLatDl.3']) == "Stat(0.0, 33.0, 0.0, 123, dtype=float64)"
s = str(m)
assert s[0] == '('
assert s[-1] == ')'
v = s[1:-1].split(', ')
vok = ['ø'] * len(m._dtype0.names)
vok[m.dtype.names.index("RRC.ConnEstabAtt.sum")] = "17"
vok[m.dtype.names.index("DRB.UEActive")] = "<1 6.0 8>"
vok[m.dtype.names.index("S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt")] = "123"
vok[m.dtype.names.index("DRB.IPVolDl.QCI")] = "{5:55 7:ø 9:99}"
vok[m.dtype.names.index("DRB.IPLatDl.QCI")] = "{3:<0.0 33.0 0.0>·123 4:<0.0 44.0 0.0>·432 8:<0.0 ø 0.0>·ø}"
assert v == vok
# verify that time fields has enough precision
......@@ -496,6 +522,65 @@ def test_Calc_eutran_ip_throughput():
assert thp[qci]['ul'] == I(0)
# verify Calc.aggregate .
def test_Calc_aggregate():
mlog = MeasurementLog()
m1 = Measurement()
m1['X.Tstart'] = 1
m1['X.δT'] = 2
m1['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt'] = 12 # Tcc
m1['ERAB.SessionTimeUE'] = 1.2 # Ttime
m1['DRB.UEActive'] = StatT(1, 3.7, 5) # StatT
m1['DRB.IPLatDl.7'] = Stat(4*ms, 7.32*ms, 25*ms, 17) # Stat
m2 = Measurement()
m2['X.Tstart'] = 5 # NOTE [3,5) is NA hole
m2['X.δT'] = 3
m2['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt'] = 11
m2['ERAB.SessionTimeUE'] = 0.7
m2['DRB.UEActive'] = StatT(2, 3.2, 7)
m2['DRB.IPLatDl.7'] = Stat(3*ms, 5.23*ms, 11*ms, 11)
calc = Calc(mlog, 0, 10)
assert calc.τ_lo == 0
assert calc.τ_hi == 10
M = calc.aggregate()
assert isinstance(M, ΣMeasurement)
assert M['X.Tstart'] == 0
assert M['X.δT'] == 10
assert M['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt']['value'] == 12 + 11
assert M['S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt']['τ_na'] == 5 # [0,1) [3,5) [8,10)
assert M['ERAB.SessionTimeUE']['value'] == 1.2 + 0.7
assert M['ERAB.SessionTimeUE']['τ_na'] == 5
assert M['DRB.UEActive']['value'] == StatT(1, (3.7*2 + 3.2*3)/(2+3), 7)
assert M['DRB.UEActive']['τ_na'] == 5
assert M['DRB.IPLatDl.7']['value'] == Stat(3*ms, (7.32*17 + 5.23*11)/(17+11)*ms, 25*ms, 17+11)
assert M['DRB.IPLatDl.7']['τ_na'] == 5
# assert that everything else is NA with τ_na == 10
def _(name):
f = M[name]
if f.shape != ():
return # don't check X.QCI - rely on aliases
assert isNA(f['value'])
assert f['τ_na'] == 10
for name in M.dtype.names:
if name not in ('X.Tstart', 'X.δT', 'S1SIG.ConnEstabAtt',
'ERAB.SessionTimeUE', 'DRB.UEActive', 'DRB.IPLatDl.7'):
# verify Σqci.
def test_Σqci():
m = Measurement()
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