- 17 May, 2023 3 commits
Éloi Rivard authored
Éloi Rivard authored
Éloi Rivard authored
Remove support for ZODB4 and python<3.7
- 15 Feb, 2023 3 commits
Éloi Rivard authored
Éloi Rivard authored
Éloi Rivard authored
- 12 May, 2021 6 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Kirill Smelkov authored
Kirill Smelkov authored
Release gardening - add `lint` target to tox as suggested by @bertjwregeer to verify that manifest is ok, - add `RELEASING.txt` to document how to make a new release /cc @jamadden, @azmeuk, @stevepiercy /reviewed-by @stevepiercy /reviewed-on https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/30
Kirill Smelkov authored
@stevepiercy says (https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/30#discussion_r630521139): This should be a plain text file, no markup. The intended audience are maintainers. It should not get included in user documentation. Plain text makes it easy to maintain and open links in editors that support that feature. ... -> Rework the text based on that suggestion. -> Keep pointers on how to do it manually for the reference.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Based on suggestions from @stevepiercy: - split lint into lint (doing only checks) + build - to build sdist/wheel to distribute: https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/30#discussion_r630537231 - structure list of environment for readability: https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/30#discussion_r630523259
- 11 May, 2021 4 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Add minimal document that describes how to make next zodburi release. As suggested by @jamadden zest.releaser, by default, works ok most of the time.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Add minimal linting step that verifies manifest and built sdist/wheel. Suggested by @bertjwregeer on https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/29#issuecomment-836915440.
Kirill Smelkov authored
While trying to prepare next zodburi release I've noted that the source tarball - generated by `python setup.py sdist` or by `python -m build` - is missing some files compared to source tarball of previous zodburi release uploaded to PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/zodburi/2.4.0/#files ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a2/dc/ab3f339d6e123417d7f259a79395a8f6793478d5089886a8b00d186293b1/zodburi-2.4.0.tar.gz ) Many files like CHANGES.rst, contributing.md, CONTRIBUTORS.txt, tox.ini and so on were missing: $ xdiff --stat x/zodburi-2.4.0 zodburi-2.4.1.dev0 x/zodburi-2.4.0/.gitignore => /dev/null | 14 -- x/zodburi-2.4.0/.travis.yml => /dev/null | 35 ----- x/zodburi-2.4.0/CHANGES.rst => /dev/null | 98 ------------ x/zodburi-2.4.0/CONTRIBUTORS.txt => /dev/null | 105 ------------- x/zodburi-2.4.0/COPYRIGHT.txt => /dev/null | 2 - {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/PKG-INFO | 17 +- x/zodburi-2.4.0/contributing.md => /dev/null | 23 --- x/zodburi-2.4.0/docs/Makefile => /dev/null | 85 ---------- x/zodburi-2.4.0/docs/api.rst => /dev/null | 10 -- x/zodburi-2.4.0/docs/conf.py => /dev/null | 205 ------------------------ x/zodburi-2.4.0/docs/index.rst => /dev/null | 385 ---------------------------------------------- x/zodburi-2.4.0/rtd.txt => /dev/null | 1 - {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/setup.py | 7 +- x/zodburi-2.4.0/tox.ini => /dev/null | 35 ----- {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi/__init__.py | 7 +- {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi/resolvers.py | 45 ++++++ {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi/tests/test_resolvers.py | 147 ++++++++++++++---- {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 17 +- {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 12 -- {x/zodburi-2.4.0 => zodburi-2.4.1.dev0}/zodburi.egg-info/entry_points.txt | 1 + 20 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 1048 deletions(-) -> Fix it by explicitly listing which files need to be distributed in MANIFEST.in The MANIFEST.in is based on MANIFEST.in from waitress: https://github.com/Pylons/waitress/blob/master/MANIFEST.in Not sure how previous source tarballs were prepared - probably it was some kind of per-user global MANIFEST being taken on Tres' development machine previously. They say explicit is better than implicit anyway... P.S. I did not included .travis.yml and .gitignore into the MANIFEST because those files should not be distributed in tarballs. /reviewed-by @bertjwregeer /reviewed-on https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/29#issuecomment-836915440
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Both ZODB4/ZODB5 were started to be supported since 7502fa4f (tox tests with zodb4), - PyPy started to by supported since 6c46a29d (Added pypy to tox and travis), - ``demo:`` URI resolver was added in 2f02bc90 (demo: URI resolver). Bump next version due to the new features. /reviewed-by @bertjwregeer /reviewed-on https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/29#issuecomment-836915440
- 10 May, 2021 1 commit
Bert JW Regeer authored
demo: URI resolver
- 15 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
This patch adds `demo:` URI scheme to create DemoStorage from an URI. While several existing resolvers already handle ?demostorage argument to wrap itself with DemoStorage and in-RAM MappingStorage for changes, this approach has the following drawbacks: - every resolver must do it - it is not possible to create DemoStorage with non-MappingStorage for changes. My particular motivation here is Wendelin.core 2: it spawn WCFS filesystem server to serve array data from ZODB storage, and passes storage URL to spawned wcfs process, so that wcfs could connect and retrieve data from the same ZODB storage that client process is using. When original ERP5 client is using DemoStorage, both `base` and `changes` must be persisted because if changes would be in-RAM MappingStorage, WCFS could not access that data because it runs as a separate process. To build a DemoStorage URI we follow XRI Cross-references approach to embed URIs for base and changes into combining demo URI: demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Resource_Identifier provides some related details and examples. I choose fragments as the place for ZODB.DB arguments: demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri)#dbkw... The reason fragments - instead of parameters - are used, is because DB arguments are _local_. Even with different DB arguments the URI refers to the same storage, and for wendelin.core 2 it is important to be able to determine whether two client processes actually use the same underlying ZODB storage, even if those two clients use different local parameters, like connection_pool_size and similar. Keeping such local arguments in fragments makes it easy to determine the underlying URI of the storage - by dropping fragments. It also follows logic from RFC 3986, which says that "fragment ... may be ... some view on representations of the primary resource": https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5 Thanks beforehand, Kirill /cc @tseaver, @azmeuk, @jimfulton P.S. It was already suggested several times to add DemoStorageURIResolver and deprecate ?demostorage in existing URI resolvers: https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/25#issuecomment-485506959 https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/25#issuecomment-511480572 https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/pull/25#issuecomment-622931793
- 02 May, 2020 1 commit
Tres Seaver authored
- Drop support for 3.4. - Add support for 3.8
- 15 Nov, 2019 1 commit
Éloi Rivard authored
Tres Seaver <tseaver@palladion.com>
- 14 Nov, 2019 1 commit
Éloi Rivard authored
- 22 Jan, 2019 1 commit
Tres Seaver authored
Added pypy and pypy3 tests
- 21 Jan, 2019 1 commit
Éloi Rivard authored
- 18 Jan, 2019 2 commits
Tres Seaver authored
Add tests for zodb4.
Éloi Rivard authored
- 11 Jan, 2019 3 commits
Tres Seaver authored
Tres Seaver authored
Tres Seaver authored
Garden changelog since 2.3.1.
- 22 Nov, 2018 1 commit
Tres Seaver authored
Annual housecleaning
- 20 Nov, 2018 1 commit
Steve Piercy authored
- 19 Nov, 2018 1 commit
Tres Seaver authored
Fix PendingDeprecationWarning about cgi.parse_qsl
- 02 Oct, 2018 9 commits
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored
- Do not use smart quotes
Steve Piercy authored
- Perpetual year in copyright - Current version - Clean up imports and calls
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored
Steve Piercy authored