• Vincent Pelletier's avatar
    erp5_configurator: Refactor PortalTypeConfiguratorItem. · 63b1b1ac
    Vincent Pelletier authored
    The main reason is to use portal type setters, and not set the properties
    directly: setting the properties directly bypasses interactions which
    trigger type refresh, which hence prevents such changes from being applied
    to the types until something else would cause a reload.
    While at it:
    - modify the property sheet list once only instead of once per added
      property sheet
    - only modify the property sheet list when fixit is true
    - improve constraint message to actually tell what is being detected
    - do not report a constraint error when no change is necessary
    - follow naming conventions: avoid abbreviations, variables holding
      documents must end in "_value"
    - avoid single-use local variables
document.erp5.PortalTypeConfiguratorItem.py 3.72 KB