Commit 4c961851 authored by Klaus Wölfel's avatar Klaus Wölfel

erp5_simulation: Only show permitted deliveries in Solver Dialog

Quantity Split Move solver allows user to select to which delivery quantities should be moved when
splitting. If the user did not have access to one of these deliveries the dialog would fail. Therfore we
only search for those deliveries which can be accessed by the user.
parent a1eeb791
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ reserved_inventory_state_list = portal.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()
for causality_value in current_delivery.getCausalityValueList():
for delivery in causality_value.getCausalityRelatedValueList(
checked_permission="Access contents information"):
if delivery.getUid() != current_delivery_uid:
if delivery.getSimulationState() in reserved_inventory_state_list:
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