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Commit 7964bec2 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

- answer some questions

 - explain how to develop and hack

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 84cbcb0f
Where to report issues about ERP5 Appliance Buildout?
Please use erp5-users and erp5-dev mailing lists, you can find more
information here:
Patches are welcomed too!
Why do you compile your own python and so much other software?
Because of extreme portability. There is no other way to achieve it, LSB is
ignored by distributions, there is no other standard then source standard.
Sometimes some remote resources are not available, what to do?
We are aware of it and we are working hard to provide good solution for
How to develop this buildout?
Please read README.Development.txt
How to develop ERP5 Appliance Buildout
Normal buildout run assumes that all resources are available over the network.
And this is correct way to use buildout, to develop it locally and
still be sure that it run over the network.
Lets assume that software is available in ~/erp5.buildout.
Create your working directory ~/buildout.devel:
$ mkdir ~/buildout.devel
Now checkout the buildout:
~/erp5.buildout/parts/subversion/bin/svn ~/buildout.devel/checkout
Start simple http server there:
$ cd ~/buildout.devel/checkout
$ ~/erp5.buildout/bin/python2.6 -m 9000 # or any other free port
Now create directory to simulate extending over the network:
$ mkdir ~/buildout.devel/work
And create profile there:
$ cat > ~/buildout.devel/work/buildout.cfg
extends = http://localhost:9000/buildout-2.12.cfg
extends-cache = extends-cache
Now it is time to play. Observe what and how is downloaded from your simulated
Happy hacking!
Simple server idea contributed by Lucas Carvalho Teixeira
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