Commit 58daa1d8 authored by Steven Merrill's avatar Steven Merrill

Add a 'skip_compaction' step.

parent af5721c8
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ type config struct {
HTTPPortMax uint `mapstructure:"http_port_max"`
BootCommand []string `mapstructure:"boot_command"`
BootWait time.Duration ``
SkipCompaction bool `mapstructure:"skip_compaction"`
ShutdownCommand string `mapstructure:"shutdown_command"`
ShutdownTimeout time.Duration ``
SSHUser string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
......@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ import (
// This step compacts the virtual disk for the VM.
// This step compacts the virtual disk for the VM unless the "skip_compaction"
// boolean is true.
// Uses:
// config *config
// driver Driver
// full_disk_path string
// ui packer.Ui
......@@ -18,10 +21,16 @@ import (
type stepCompactDisk struct{}
func (stepCompactDisk) Run(state map[string]interface{}) multistep.StepAction {
config := state["config"].(*config)
driver := state["driver"].(Driver)
ui := state["ui"].(packer.Ui)
full_disk_path := state["full_disk_path"].(string)
if config.SkipCompaction == true {
log.Println("Skipping disk compaction step...")
return multistep.ActionContinue
ui.Say("Compacting the disk image")
if err := driver.CompactDisk(full_disk_path); err != nil {
state["error"] = fmt.Errorf("Error compacting disk: %s", err)
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