Storage]( and
download it using a signed URL. You can inject the signed URL into your build by
using a build variable (environment variable) in Atlas. Example:
## Building Private `.iso` and `.dmg` Files
If you want to build a private `.iso` file you can upload the `.iso` to a secure file hosting service like [Amazon S3](, [Google Cloud Storage](, or [Azure File Service]( and download it at build time using a signed URL. You should convert `.dmg` files to `.iso` and follow a similar procedure.
Once you have added [variables in your packer template](/docs/templates/user-variables.html) you can specify credentials or signed URLs using Atlas environment variables, or via the `-var` flag when you run `push`.

You will also need to [configure your packer
template](http://stormchaser.local:4567/docs/templates/user-variables.html) to
use the variable injected by Atlas (or via `push -var`).